Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Behind Trump’s anti-Iran Campaign

Photo: Protesting war against Iran in Minneapolis by Deirdre Griswold posted on Workers World, May 10 The Trump administration’s decision to pull out of the nuclear agreement with Iran is yet another demonstration of the no-holds-barred ambition and arrogance of this imperialist ruling group. The U.S. capitalist media admit that Trump’s move has antagonized Washington’s allies/rivals in Europe. Yet the[…]

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Thousands of Iranians Take to Streets, Enraged By ‘Insane’ Breach of Nuclear Deal

Photo: Iranians rally in the holy city of Mashhad on May 11, 2018 to condemn the United States for its withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. (Photo: Tasnim News Agency) by Julia Conley, originally published on Common Dreams, May 11 Cities across Iran saw thousands of demonstrators pouring into the streets to expose fury over President Donald Trump’s[…]

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Trump and Israeli Collusion

“Trump is the one true believer in Israeli’s right to reign supreme in its region and in command of American foreign policy.” by Margaret Kimberley, originally posted on Black Agenda Report, May 9 Donald Trump’s decision to exit from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement on Iranian nuclear capability is in keeping with his doctrine of joining Israel[…]

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The Warmakers

Israel launched a major attack on Syria last night from the occupied Syrian Golan, and Syria retaliated.   The Israelis claimed to be attacking Iran, and they initiated the attack at the same time Trump was announcing the US withdrawal from the JCPOA.   But Syria was targeted and Syria retaliated.   The damages are hard to assess.  Syria was able to mitigate[…]

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Syria and Press Propaganda

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published on Black Agenda Report “Trump protects himself with war as Democrats and the rest of the ruling elite support his militarism.” It is difficult for Americans to find out what is happening in their country and around the world. That is because corporate media outlets have nearly complete control over what they see and hear[…]

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C.I.A. Color Revolutions

Color Revolutions are the latest US tool of social corruption and regime change, but they aren’t new.  The CIA has been fomenting them for years.   This article is long but if you want to better understand Color Revolutions, read on. by Javier Castro, originally published on , April 23, 2018 CIA color revolutions have rarely succeeded, but they are[…]

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New Defense Strategy: War With Great Nations & Arms Race

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance, Feb 4, 2018 This week, following the recent announcement of a new National Defense Strategy that focuses on conflicts with great powers and a new arms race, the Pentagon announced an escalation of nuclear weapons development. The United States’ military is spread across the world, including several dangerous conflict areas that could[…]

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War in Syria / U.S., a Wounded Predator, Spreads Chaos in Middle East

US forces wearing YPG patches (AP) By Sara Flounders U.S. imperialism’s deteriorating position in the Middle East was confirmed on Jan. 17, by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s bold assertion for U.S. plans in Syria. The arrogant statement was followed, within hours, by almost immediate backpedaling. Tillerson’s talk at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University confirmed that the only hope[…]

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Perspective on the Iranian Protests

Mass demonstration in Iran’s provincial cities made international news as 2017 ended and elicited tweets from the U.S. president warning Iran’s government not to suppress the protesters. To help orient the progressive and anti-war movement in the United States, Workers World managing editor John Catalinotto spoke with Sara Flounders, co-coordinator of the International Action Center and organizer of the Stop[…]

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