Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

“The Haitian People Need a Socialist State,” says Journalist Jean Waltès Bien-Aimé

by Tanya Wadhwa, published on People’s Dispatch, September 8, 2022 Since August 22, under the banner of “Rise Up for Another Independence,” tens of thousands of Haitians have been repeatedly taking to the streets in different parts of the country, demanding the resignation of de-facto Prime Minister and acting President Ariel Henry. Protesters have criticized that during the past one[…]

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Haiti Under the Gun

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, July 25, 2022 In the current situation in Haiti, organized groups — invariably called gangs by the bourgeois media — often have more and heavier weapons than the Haitian cops. Some of these “gangs” were created to profit from extortion and kidnapping, like the “400 Mawozo” who grabbed 17 missionaries in December 2021[…]

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The OAS or the “Ministry of Colonies”

by Jemima Pierre, published on Black Agenda Report, April 27, 2022 In the wake of the expulsion of the Organization of the American States from Nicaragua, we need to revisit one of its major crime scenes: Haiti. On April 24, 2022, Nicaragua’s Sandinista government officially booted the Organization of American States (OAS) out of their country. Foreign minister Denis Moncada[…]

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Despite Outcry, U.S. and Dominican Governments Continue the Brutal Deportation of Haitians

by Marty Goodman, published in Haïti Liberté, February 3, 2022 n September, there was worldwide revulsion over photos of mounted U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents in Texas apparently whipping Haitian migrants. The images were reminiscent of slavery. But that did not slow down President Biden’s racist plans for the mass deportation of Haitians. As of this writing in[…]

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The Hell That is Haiti

by Marty Goodman, published on Socialist Action, September 12, 2021 Haiti is being hit by an unending series of natural and human-made disasters – seemingly all at once. The assassination on July 7 of its president Jouvenel Moise; an Aug. 14 earthquake; tropical storms; rampaging gang violence and a COVID crisis in a society tortured by extreme poverty and inequality.[…]

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What’s Behind The Assassination Of Haitian President Moïses?

by Dan Cohen and Kim Ivers, published on MintPress News, July 9, 2021 Everything you never knew about what is going on in Haiti.  The quote targets the immediate issue, who killed Jovenal Moise, but the entire interview lays out a detailed context.  [jb] The assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse sent shockwaves through the tiny Caribbean island nation and[…]

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Haiti on the Precipice

Haiti on the precipice as coronavirus and US-imposed leadership take their toll By Jeb Sprague and Nazaire St. Fort, published on The Grayzone, March 30, 2020 Haitian President Jovenel Moïse announced on March 19 that two citizens in Haiti had tested positive for Covid-19, known popularly simply as the coronavirus. The government has closed Haiti’s border, ports, and airports to[…]

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Haiti: Massive Protests Continue Calling for Presidents Removal

Published in TeleSUR English, September 29, 2019 “Jovenel Moise must leave. He is no longer our president. He is unable to provide solutions to our problems,” a protester told EFE agency. Haiti experience Friday one of the most massive protests ever it the country’s recent history as people took to the streets, called by the opposition, in the main cities to demand the immediate resignation of United-States[…]

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