Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

UAW Rank and File Demand their Union Divest from Genocide

published on Workers World, May 25, 2024 (UAW Labor for Palestine (UAW L4P) issued the statement below on May 10) United Auto Workers leadership must stop crossing the Palestinian trade union picket line and immediately divest from Israeli genocide! UAW Labor for Palestine has learned that the International Executive Board of the United Auto Workers [at its meeting held April[…]

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DIVEST NOW! A Revolutionary Demand

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, May 14, 2024 Why have student encampments for Palestine ignited such an uproar of brutal repression, vicious police attacks, mass arrests, overwhelming condemnation in the corporate media and a new level of reactionary legislation in Congress? The demand to divest, raised at almost every encampment, exposes the insidious inroads of the military-industrial complex[…]

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American Anthropological Association Rebuffs Israel

by Monica Moorehead, published on Workers World, August 4, 2023 There is no mention here, but it is interesting that the Anthropological Association is the one ready to boycott parallel Israeli institutions.   Israel has, on numerous occasions, been accused of distorting or manufacturing anthropological data related to their insistence on having descended from the most significant tribe in ancient Palestine. […]

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Meaning of Solidarity in the Time of a New Palestine

by Ramzy Baroud, published on Countercurrents, July 24, 2023 [Along with other intellectuals, I was asked by a New Zealand solidarity group to share a few ideas on what meaningful solidarity with Palestine entails. This talk inspired the article below.] It is a new era in Palestine. This new era is taking shape before our very eyes, through the blood,[…]

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Without Palestine, There is No Arab Unity: Why Normalization with Israel Will Fail

by Ramzy Baroud, published on Palestine Chronicle, August 10, 2022 It seemed all but a done deal: Israel is finally managing to bend the Arabs to its will, and Palestine is becoming a marginal issue that no longer defines Israel’s relations with Arab countries. Indeed, normalization with Israel is afoot, and the Arabs, so it seems, have been finally tamed.[…]

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Biden in Occupied Palestine and the ‘Jerusalem Declaration’

by Samidoun Prisoner Network, published on Workers World, July 16, 2022 The joint declaration of U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid reveals not only the fundamental bankruptcy of the imperialist and Zionist systems they represent but also underlines the necessity to act and stand now in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their resistance, to liberate[…]

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Israeli Jews Call: “Stop Israel’s Apartheid!”

Published on Jews for Decolonization, August, 2021 This was published as a sign-on letter and circulated in Israel.   The letter has over 1000 signatures.  We can keep an eye on it an see how it grows.   The letter acknowledges the suffering visited on the Palestinians and supports the global BDS Campaign, with which we wholly concur. It is a very[…]

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The Power of Ice Cream

by Patrick Lawrence, published on Consortium News, July 26, 2021 A few years ago I read an article that said Anti-BDS legislation was going to be brought forward in New York State.  I called my local Assemblyman, a Republican named Mark Johns.  The aide who answered the phone was unimpressed with my concerns but 5 minutes later, Mark called me[…]

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Israeli Occupation Forces Arrest BDS Coordinator Mahmoud Nawajaa

Press Release from Palestinian BDS National Committee, published on Mondoweiss, July 30, 2020 At around 3:30 am, tens of Israeli occupation soldiers, accompanied by at least one dog, stormed the home of Mahmoud Nawajaa, the General Coordinator of the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), near Ramallah, handcuffing, blindfolding and taking him away from his wife and three young children. Israeli[…]

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Annexation is Going Forward

by Philip Weiss, published on Mondoweiss, July 6, 2020 The fact that Israel didn’t move forward on annexation on July 1 is no basis for hope. The country is determined to do so, annexation will inevitably mean uprooting Palestinians and moving them to shanty towns, and none of the vaunted opposition to Israeli plans, from Democratic Party progressives to Europe,[…]

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