Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Israeli War Crimes and Propaganda Follow US Blueprint

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 13, 2023 We have both been reporting on and protesting against U.S. war crimes for many years, and against identical crimes committed by U.S. allies and proxies like Israel and Saudi Arabia: illegal uses of military force to try to remove enemy governments or “regimes”; hostile military occupations; disproportionate military violence[…]

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Finkelstein, Truthteller for Gaza

Editor’s Note: In 2009, the first Conference of the United National Antiwar Coalition accomplished one very major goal.   Palestine was, for the first time, given the full support of our broad spectrum of member organizations.   Now, 9 years later, the people of Palestine continue to be oppressed beyond imagination.       The world continues to allow these atrocities, and even to support[…]

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