Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

What is the Trump/Kushner “Peace Plan” for Israel and Palestine?

by François Dubuisson, published on Mondoweiss, January 31, 2020 Trump ‘Plan’ would create a fictitious Palestinian state devoid of rights under international law After being announced shortly after Donald Trump took office in 2017, the “Plan” (modestly called “the Vision”) supposed to put an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was made public on January 28th. It is therefore now possible to[…]

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Clarifying the Definition of Antisemitism

by Tim Anderson, published on Black Agenda Report, January 29, 2020 The idea that Israel cannot be targeted or criticized as a “racist endeavor” is an absurd suggestion. “Any state that practices ethnic cleansing and civilian massacres, based on racial ideology, can and should be criticized for such serious crimes.” On 26 May, 2016 the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA),  a group which has[…]

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Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza

Black anti-war activists call on members of the Congressional Black Caucus and the leadership of the Poor People’s Campaign to publicly condemn Israeli violence Statement from The Black Alliance for Peace MAY 15, 2018—While a delegation from the Trump administration and leaders from various parts of the world gathered in Jerusalem to witness the illegal and immoral move of the[…]

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Zimbabwe Update

Analysis of the ongoing transition in Zimbabwe by Abayomi Azikiwe of Pan Africa News Wire. The Zimbabwean military has moved to oust 93 year old President Mugabe after 30 years in power. Abayomi explains the politics behind the move and provides a background through Zimbabwean and African history. What is going on with the Coup in Zimbabwe: RT Interview, Nov[…]

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