Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Unconditional Right of Poor and Oppressed Nations to Self-Determination: Looking at the US War Against Syria

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, August 28, 2023 Jeff gives a great overview of the drives and costs of war in Syria.  Meanwhile, the U.S. occupies 1/3 of Syria’s territory including the largest oil wells and the wheat growing region to this day.   Factories in the business district of Aleppo have been robbed of their machinery and destroyed[…]

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‘Minsk II Was Agreed On To Arm Ukraine’ – Did Merkel Really Say That?

by  Moon of Alabama, published Popular Resistance, December 10, 2022 Helmholtz Smith, Andrew Korybko and Andrei Martyanov have some thoughts about a recent interview the former German chancellor Angela Merkel gave to the German weekly broadsheet Die Zeit. Smith says it shows that the ‘West’ is not trustworthy. Korybko thinks the interview will prolong the conflict in Ukraine. Martyanov says that Merkel is stupid. She isn’t. In[…]

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Outlook of an Italian Communist: Why a ‘Second Cold War’ Scenario Projects a False Framework

by Alessio Arena, published on Workers World, May 27, 2022 Translation: John Catalinotto Fronte Popolare, Italy That the Cold War has historically been a Western invention is well-known. One remembers less about the Soviet attempts [post World War II] to escape the logic of the blocs, culminating in the incredible application of the USSR to join NATO, expressed for the[…]

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What’s behind U.S. Troop Withdrawals Announced for Syria and Afghanistan?

Image: Map of Syria December 17, 2018 from For full map with legend click here. by Sara Flounders, from the International Action Center, December 24, 2018 The announced withdrawal of the remaining 2,000 U.S. troops from Syria and a partial withdrawal from Afghanistan does not mean an end to the Pentagon’s aggressive militarism and endless U.S. wars – in[…]

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