Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

‘People With a Lot of Money Are Really Determining What Culture Is’

CounterSpin interview with Amin Husain on decolonizing museums by Janine Jackson, published on Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, May 26, 2019 MP3 Link Janine Jackson: Last month, the American Museum of Natural History decided it would not allow its Hall of Ocean Life to host a gala for fascist Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro—the institution evidently persuaded that the guy who’s[…]

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Liberate Syria’s Idlib, Precisely for the Civilians

Photo: Looking out from a factory in western Aleppo, just 400 metres from al-Qaeda snipers. ©  Eva Bartlett by Eva Bartlett, Published by Information Clearing House, May 25, 2019 Western media and politicians are crying for Al-Qaeda in Syria again. It doesn’t get much more absurd than this! After years of brutal occupation by terrorists from various groups and now overwhelmingly Hay’at Tahrir[…]

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Scoundrels and Reparations

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Consortium News, May 20, 2019 Reparations should not be a topic for national discussion until there is something akin to a consensus among black people about what to demand and how to do it. There is no question that black Americans deserve redress for 300 years of chattel slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racist terrorism, mass[…]

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How to Lobby Washington to Death

A Business Model From Hell and the War in Yemen by Mashal Hashem and James Allen, published on Tom Dispatch, May 16, 2019 A springtime wedding in Northern Yemen’s Al-Raqah village took place in April 2018, a moment of reprieve from the turmoil and devastation of that war-torn country, a moment to celebrate life, love, and the birth of a[…]

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Venezuela Denounces Siege to its US Embassy in Violation of the Vienna Convention

Venezuelan Ambassador Samual Moncada and Tighe Berry of CodePink held a Press Conference at the United Nations on May 16, 2019 The ambassador of Venezuela to the United Nations ( UN ), Samuel Moncada, denounced on Wednesday from the headquarters of the agency in New York, United States ( USA ), the continuing violation of the Vienna Convention governing diplomatic[…]

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“Truth ultimately is all we have:” Julian Assange appeals for public support

By Oscar Grenfell, from World Socialist Website, 25 May 2019 In his first publicly-released comments to supporters since his arrest, WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian Assange has detailed the repressive conditions he faces in Britain’s Belmarsh prison and called for a campaign against his threatened extradition to the United States. “I am defenceless and am counting on you and others[…]

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French Labor Leaders Size up Yellow Vests

“Pink Vests” protest in Paris, March 30, 2019. (Léa Bouchoucha) By Léa Bouchoucha, published on Consortium News, May 16, 2019 Several weeks ago Emmanuelle Cheron, 43, was out on the Place de La République in Paris, along with other members of a new collective of professional child minders. They wore pink vests, held balloons and had set up a large[…]

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A Manifesto of the New Global Feminism

Photo: May 2019, Women march in Manilla by Christine Marie, published on Socialist Action, May 19, 2019 Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya, and Nancy Fraser, “Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto” (London and New York: Verso, 2019), 85 pp. Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya, and Nancy Fraser have a mission. They are collaborating to bring the lessons of a new global feminist[…]

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Distorting ‘Democracy’ in Venezuela Coverage

Featured image: Depiction of Juan Guaidó in The Atlantic (5/1/19). (photo: Fernando Llano/AP) by Gregory Shupak, published on Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, May 20, 2019  – Writing of the failed US-sponsored coup attempt in Venezuela on April 30, Uri Friedman of The Atlantic (5/1/19) referred to the Venezuelan branch of the coup as Juan “Guaidó’s pro-democracy movement.” The logical[…]

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