Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Bernie Sanders Puts Forward a Program That Could Split the Democratic Party

by Glen Ford, from Black Agenda Report, November 28, 2018 Bernie Sanders has opened his 2020 campaign with a 10-point program that could bust the Democratic Party wide open – which would be best thing Bernie could do for the world. “Every step closer Sanders gets to the nomination brings the Democratic Party nearer to the split that is necessary.” Bernie[…]

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Criticism of Israel: Rand Paul and Marc Lamont Hill Crossing the Red Line in America

by Kareem Rosshandler, from Arab America, December 5, 2018 Two events this past week shook the impasse on public discussion of Palestine, Rand Paul’s defiant hold up of the Senate ‘United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act’ and Marc Lamont Hill’s bold UN speech for the world to support Palestinians in their struggle for freedom and human rights. Paul is a[…]

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The Long, Brutal U.S. War on Children in the Middle East

Photo:  Yemen’s starving mothers — Ahmed Rashid Mokbel, a severely malnourished 7-month-old Yemeni boy, is given formula by his mother at the Al-Sadaqa Hospital in Aden, Yemen, in this Feb. 13, 2018. The boy weighed only 3.3 kg (7 pounds). The Al-Sadaqa Hospital treats malnourishment cases from across southern Yemen _ those that are lucky enough to get there. ~[…]

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Tensions rise as migrant caravans arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border

by Lisa Luinenburg, published on Socialist Action, December 5, 2018 As numbers of Central American migrants began to arrive at the U.S. border, support efforts were taking place in cities across the United States. In Minneapolis, hundreds of people demonstrated in frigid weather on Nov. 30 to express solidarity with the caravans. Other groups are working on sending supplies. Three[…]

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Canadian Woman Continues to Fight to Obtain a Passport

Editor’s note: Interesting story.  Beyond from the abuse of Ms. Boudreau’s civil rights, the story raises an interesting question regarding the intentions of the Canadian government which facilitated the young man’s journey to join a terrorist organization in Syria, and now undermines his mother’s efforts to stop other young men from following the same path.   This from a country that[…]

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Misreporting Manafort: A Case Study in Journalistic Malpractice

Image: Screenshot, grabbed 12/5/18 from News Hollywood video on Youtube, posted 11/27/18 by Alan MacLeod, published on Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, December 3, 2018 In what has been described as potentially the biggest story of the year, the Guardian’s Luke Harding (11/27/18) reported last week that Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, held a series of secret talks with[…]

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: Time to De-Colonize Human Rights!

by Ajamu Barka, published on Black Agenda Report, December 5, 2018 The post-WW II promise of human rights was a compact meant for white people only, but a People-Centered Human Rights framework seeks global liberation and transformation. “If human rights are to have any incredibility, any “universal” applicability, any value, they must be seized from the barbaric grip of European and[…]

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