Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger problem

By Sue Davis, published on Workers World, August 19, 2020 Planned Parenthood of Greater New York issued a strong statement July 21 that condemned Margaret Sanger’s relationship with eugenics theory and practice. “By saying this, we disarm a tool anti-abortion opponents use to shame women of color, especially Black women, from seeking the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health[…]

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How the US Helped Push Lebanon to The Brink of Collapse

by Ben Norton, published on The Grayzone, August 13, 2020 As the people of Lebanon suffer through one of the worst economic crises in their nation’s conflict-ridden history, the Donald Trump administration is exploiting the disaster to force regime change and weaken Lebanese resistance groups. A massive explosion on August 4 devastated Lebanon’s capital Beirut, killing more than 150 people,[…]

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Oppose U.S. Sanctions on Venezuela, Illegal and criminal interference

Statement by the Chicago Anti-War Coalition (CAWC) This Statement is part of a series by the Chicago Anti-War Coalition (CAWC) updating the latest on the U.S. government’s brutal and illegal sanctions and attacks on various countries.  It is meant to help us build our opposition, and further join in the International Campaign Against U.S. Sanctions. This Statement mainly focuses on the U.S. sanctions[…]

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Learning from Harry Haywood in the Fight for Black Freedom and Socialism

Staff, Fightback News, August 13, 2020 Anyone doubting the relevance of Harry Haywood’s writings in 2020 hasn’t paid much attention to political events this year. After success in three early Democratic primaries, Bernie Sanders’ social democratic campaign for president, supported by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), ran first aground in South Carolina in February. African American voters turned out[…]

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Protecting Food From the Hungry

by Vijay Prashad, published on Consortium News,  August 21, 2020 Young children marvel at an obvious contradiction in capitalist societies: why do we have shops filled with food, and yet see hungry people on the streets? It is a question of enormous significance; but in time the question dissipates into the fog of moral ambivalence, as various explanations are used[…]

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Korea After Liberation From Japan

by H.K.  Suh, Washington D.C. Today marks the 75th anniversary of Korea’s liberation from the Japanese colonial rule, yet it was not true independence as Korea was denied independent, self-government (as promised by the Allies during the wartime summits, and suggested on the US postage stamp shown below), but rather was suddenly divided arbitrarily in half without Koreans’ knowledge. As[…]

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Call for Just Peace and an End to Wars of Aggression and Military Sexual Violence Against Women

Statement by The International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) On August 14, 2020, the world commemorates the end of World War II in 1945. During the Great Depression, an acute global crisis of capital, conflict in the Eastern hemisphere was stirred up when imperial Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931. It had already been occupying Korea. In the Western hemisphere, the[…]

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