Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Lessons From The Rebellion: A Virginia Defender Analysis

Published in the Virginia Defender Newspaper, Summer 2020 Edition The protests that erupted after the public police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis have grown into the broadest and most sustained rebellion against racism in U.S. history. They have not been as violent as those during the Long Hot Summer of 1967, or the uprisings in more than 100 cities[…]

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Defacing of Olympia Mural Highlights Native American-Palestinian Solidarity

By Samia Saliba, Nadia Niva, and Andrew Meyer on behalf of the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace & Justice and Art Forces, published on Mondoweiss, August 19, 2020 Last month, we were made aware of the targeted defacement in Olympia, Washington of a section of the Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural, a public art installation that was inspired by the life of[…]

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Over 800 U.S. protests say ‘Defend the Postal Service!’

by Joe Piette, published on Workers World, August 25, 2020 Richard Wright was a postal worker in the early 1930s, before he joined the Federal Writers Project and became a renowned novelist. Two of his novels feature Black postal workers as the main characters, with perceptive descriptions of the special oppression of Black workers as they performed the repetitive tasks[…]

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U.S. Militarism Towards China is Part and Parcel of American Hegemony Syndrome

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, August 26, 2020 American hegemony syndrome has shifted public attention away from the critical problems facing humanity by demonizing China. “Military expansionism compensates for the fact that the U.S. has lost to China in the realm of economic competition.” The COVID-19 pandemic has not made the planet any safer from the threat[…]

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US Media Can’t Think How to Fight Fires Without $1-an-Hour Prison Labor

by Neil DeMause, published on FAIR, August 25, 2020 As a historic set of wildfires sweeps across California, sparked by lightning and stoked by record heat and drought resulting from climate change (Mercury News, 8/19/20; Scientific American, 4/3/20), many news outlets have drawn readers’ attention to an additional problem the state faces in fighting the fires: shortages of the prison[…]

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The Two Parties Have Failed Us, But The People Can Succeed

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, August 29, 2020 The Republican and Democratic Party conventions showed that both major parties are failing to control the pandemic and protect people, address the climate crisis and clean up the environment, support families and businesses during the economic collapse, prevent police violence or deal with any of the other[…]

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Snakes in the Garden

by Luis H. Francia, published on Inquirer.Net, August 24, 2020 (recommended by Malaya Movement Northeast) NEW YORK—Zara Alvarez, a 39-year-old human rights worker, single mother, and former political prisoner, was shot and killed the evening of August 17 in Bacolod City, the capital of Negros Occidental. That she was slain in such a fashion was not completely unexpected: having a[…]

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NBA Strike Explodes into Sportswide Protest Against Police Shooting of Jacob Blake

by Monica Moorehead, published on Workers World, August 27, 2020 Kenosha, Wis., became the epicenter of the anti-racist struggle after a 29-year-old Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot seven times in the back at point-blank range by a white police officer on Aug. 23. Kenosha is 40 miles from Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s biggest city. A recorded video showed that the unarmed[…]

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Keep It Real: A Review Of Diana Johnstone’s Book “Circle In The Darkness: Memoirs Of A World Watcher”

by Rick Sterling, published on Global Research, August 19, 2020 Diana Johnstone has written a compelling and insightful book. It is mostly a review and analysis of significant events from the past 55 years. It concludes with her assessment of different trends that are being debated on the Left today including “identity politics”, Antifa and censorship.  This is a book to[…]

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