Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

“Worse than a Crime”: Pentagon Inspector finds Kabul Drone Strike Killing 10 not a Violation of Law (!)

by Juan Cole, published on Informed Comment, November 4, 2021 Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Paul Handley of AFP reports that the US Air Force Inspector General, Lieutenant General Sami Said, found that a drone strike that mistakenly killed 10 civilian non-combatants, including 7 children, in Afghanistan on August 29 violated no laws, including the law of war. When Napoleon[…]

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U.S. role exposed Masses resist Sudan coup

by Sara Flounders, published on International Action Center, November 2, 2021 Incredible exposure of U.S. actions to humiliate and impoverish the Sudanese people and destabilize Sudan.   And the hypocrisy of it all.  The U.S. wants Sudan to pay sanctions to U.S. victims of their wars when they don’t have money to eat.   Of course the US would never consider doing[…]

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Are Nicaraguan Migrants Escaping ‘Repression’—or Economic Sanctions?

by John Perry, published on Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, November 3, 2021 “Record numbers” of migrants are coming into the United States from Nicaragua, according to Newsweek (7/29/21), which blames the increase on “arbitrary arrests and human rights abuses” by the Nicaraguan government. Former Sandinista leader Sergio Ramírez, writing for El Salvador’s El Faro (8/20/21), claims that “repression” by[…]

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Biden’s Promised Build Back Better Legislation Crashes

by Jeff Mackler, November 3, 2021 After months of political hype President Joseph Biden’s touted top legislative priorities have been gutted beyond recognition. For the better part of a year he and the Democrats toured the country saturating the corporate news media with legislative promises to Build Back Better now. In the context of a COVID-19-wounded nation, frozen wages, a[…]

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International Tribunal finds U.S. Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

published on Workers World, November 1, 2021 The International Tribunal on Human Rights Abuses Against Black, Brown and Indigenous Peoples was held Oct. 23-25 at The Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center in Washington Heights, New York City, aka Turtle Island, Lenape land. The main theme of the Tribunal was “We Still Charge Genocide” in recognition[…]

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Glasgow Climate Talks Are, in Many Ways, ‘Harder Than Paris’

by Bob Berwyn, published on Inside Climate News, November 1, 2021 Success of the two-week negotiations rides on wealthy nations committing to fast emissions cuts and paying promised aid to poor countries most threatened by global warming, the COP26 president says. To many following the decades-long journey of the United Nations climate negotiations, the 26th Conference of the Parties beginning[…]

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World Gathering of Peoples for Our Mother Earth and against the Climate Crisis – Conclusions Document

by Justine Teba, published on The Red Nation, October 23, 2021 Global Encounter of Peoples in Favor of Mother Earth and Against the Climate Crisis Topic 1. Facing the climate crises structurally from the perspective of the peoples. Topic 2. Urgent calling of Mother Earth to combat the climate crisis. Topic 3. Integral actions to combat the climate crisis and[…]

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Ethiopia: Assailed by Terrorists and Betrayed by the West

by Graham Peebles, published on Countercurrents, October 30, 2021 As the new government led by Prime-Minister Ahmed Abiy takes office for their second term, the West’s relentless propaganda campaign against Ethiopia continues. Since the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) attacked the Ethiopian State on 4 November 2020 (the day after President Biden was elected coincidentally), the US and allies, factions[…]

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