Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Sleepwalking into a Nuclear Nightmare

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on Consortium News, November 28, 2021 Every day there’s more propaganda banging the drums of war between nuclear-armed nations a little louder. Western media are churning out reports about Russia preparing to invade Ukraine any minute now and China preparing to invade Taiwan any minute now, saying the response to each is obviously to move a lot[…]

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Ethiopia: Assailed by Terrorists and Betrayed by the West

by Graham Peebles, published on Countercurrents, October 30, 2021 As the new government led by Prime-Minister Ahmed Abiy takes office for their second term, the West’s relentless propaganda campaign against Ethiopia continues. Since the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) attacked the Ethiopian State on 4 November 2020 (the day after President Biden was elected coincidentally), the US and allies, factions[…]

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Biden Must Call Off the B-52s Bombing Afghan Cities

by Medea Benjamin & Nicolas J. S. Davies, August 11, 2021 Nine provincial capitals in Afghanistan have fallen to the Taliban in six days – Zaranj, Sheberghan, Sar-e-Pul, Kunduz, Taloqan, Aybak, Farah, Pul-e-Khumri and Faizabad – while fighting continues in four more – Lashkargah, Kandahar, Herat & Mazar-i-Sharif. U.S. military officials now believe Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital, could fall in one[…]

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Black Alliance for Peace Condemns U.S. Attempt to Continue War on Afghanistan As Afghan President Visits Biden

Statement from Black Alliance for Peace, June 25, 2021 Slightly out of date, but right-on in it’s assertions. [jb] JUNE 25, 2021—As Afghan President Ashraf Ghani makes his rounds this week in Washington, the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) opposes any effort to prolong the U.S. war on the Afghan people, including efforts to keep the United States engaged in[…]

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Biden Acknowledges ‘Over the Horizon’ Air Attacks Planned Against Taliban

by Nick Mottern, published on Common Dreams, July 5, 2021 On July 2, fleeing questions from reporters about U.S. plans in Afghanistan, President Joe Biden sought refuge behind the July 4th Independence Day holiday, yet obliquely acknowledged that the U.S. will use some level of “over the horizon” air attacks to prevent the Taliban from taking power, attacks that will[…]

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Increasing Pressure On China: The Pacific is Crowded with Military Ships and War Planes

by Ann Wright, published on Popular Resistance, June 28, 2021 This is quite terrifying.  The United States wants a “free and open” Indo-Pacific sea where they call the shots and make the rules.  What would they think if China wanted a “free and open” Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean sea or Gulf of Mexico where they call the shots.  Meanwhile these War[…]

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Donald Rumsfeld, Rot in Hell

by Ben Burgis, published on Jacobin, June 30, 2021 Here’s a retrospective on the career of Donald Rumsfeld.  The beaming smile in the image below from Wiki-Commons kind of makes you cringe.  Rumsfeld didn’t create the system but he was an enthusiastic participant in and driver of the most egregious excesses of cruelty and violence in his lifetime.  Goodbye and[…]

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US’ Pathway to Iran Has Thorny Shrubs

by M.K. Bhadrakumar, published on Indian Punchline, June 22, 2021 It is painful to read the US reports commenting on the result of Iran’s presidential  election. The New York Times carried a blurb on Monday, “Ebrahim Raisi, Iran’s ultraconservative president-elect, said that he would not meet with President Biden, and that Tehran’s position on its ballistic missile program was “nonnegotiable.”[…]

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‘American’ Imperialism is Back – Biden, Blinken, Burns and Austin

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, June 22, 2021 Joe Biden ended his weeklong diplomatic trip to Europe June 17 and returned to Washington. It revealed what he meant by “America is back.” Washington aims to retain its place directing the superrich ruling class worldwide. Biden met with the richest and most powerful imperialist leaders in the G7 in[…]

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