Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Latest Odds of a Shooting War Between NATO and Russia

Photo: Ship blocking Kerch Strait ~RT by Ann Garrison, published on Consortium News, December 13, 2019 George Szamuely is a Hungarian-born scholar and Senior Research Fellow at London’s Global Policy Institute. He lives in New York City. I spoke to him about escalating hostilities on Russia’s Ukrainian and Black Sea borders and about Exercise Trident Juncture, NATO’s massive military exercise[…]

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NATO’s Aggression Reaches For Russian Waters

Above Photo: from Land Destroyer by Tony Cartalucci, from Land Destroyer Blog, December 11, 2018 The intentional provocation executed by Kiev saw three Ukrainian naval vessels seized by Russia. The vessels were intentionally violating protocol for passing through the Strait – protocol previously agreed upon by Kiev and previously observed by Ukrainian naval vessels. The extent to which Ukraine was[…]

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Warning sign to Anti-War Movement: Behind Assassination of Donetsk Leader

Image: Alexander Zakharchenko (center) during the battle of Debaltsevo in Feb. 2015. By Greg Butterfield, published on Workers World, September 3, 2018 Alexander Zakharchenko, prime minister of the anti-fascist Donetsk People’s Republic, was assassinated on Aug. 31 when an explosion ripped through the Separ restaurant in the capital city of Donetsk. Zakharchenko’s bodyguard, Vyacheslav Dotsenko, was also killed. Twelve other[…]

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Emergency Appeal for Odessa

by Phil Wilayto of the Odessa Solidarity Campaign As we approach May 2, the fourth anniversary of the massacre of scores of progressive activists by a fascist-led mob in Odessa, Ukraine, neo-Nazi forces are again mobilizing for violence. They are calling for a march to Kulikovo Square, the scene of the massacre, where families of those who were murdered on[…]

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Ukraine and Donbass: Four years of Solidarity and Struggle

New York protest against right-wing coup in Ukraine, Feb. 28, 2014. by Greg Butterfield, originally published on Workers World, 2/22/18 Based on a presentation given at a Workers World Party class in New York City on Feb. 20, 2018. Four years ago this week, a coup overthrew the elected government of Ukraine. Both the Democratic and Republican wings of the[…]

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