Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

NBA Strike Explodes into Sportswide Protest Against Police Shooting of Jacob Blake

by Monica Moorehead, published on Workers World, August 27, 2020 Kenosha, Wis., became the epicenter of the anti-racist struggle after a 29-year-old Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot seven times in the back at point-blank range by a white police officer on Aug. 23. Kenosha is 40 miles from Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s biggest city. A recorded video showed that the unarmed[…]

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Era Of US Domination Of Latin America Coming To An End

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, August 9, 2020 Despite its failings at home, the United States intervenes in countries across multiple continents seeking to control their governments and resources. This week, we look at the US’ latest efforts in Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Bolivia to undermine their independence and force them to serve the interests of[…]

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Time to Build a Movement to Cut Runaway Military Spending

Statement by US Peace Council, August 3, 2020 For many decades, the US antiwar movement has been calling on Congress to cut the Pentagon budget, now officially at $740 billion. These demands were almost always ignored by Congress where the great majority of Republicans and Democrats have long been in the grip of the military-industrial complex. Every year Congress would[…]

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COVID-19 Crisis Failure, People Must Save Themselves And The Economy

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, August 2, 2020 The US is at a moment of truth. This week, Congress has to face up to a pandemic that is out of control and an economy that is collapsing. The Republican’s and Democrat’s proposals show they will fail this test. The people will need to protect themselves[…]

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Seattle Protest in Solidarity With Portland

by Jim McMahan, published on Workers World, July 28,2020 On July 25, 2,000 youthful anti-racists marched here in solidarity with Portland resistance. As in Portland, Ore., federal repressive forces have been sent to Seattle. The march was called by the Youth Liberation Front. Chanting “Black Lives Matter,” the demonstrators headed to the site of a new youth jail. Located in[…]

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Athletes Continue to Build Support for BLM

by Monica Moorehead, posted on Workers World, July 28, 2020 U.S. athletes continue to express their solidarity with Black Lives Matter protests around the country, as professional sports attempt to resume some kind of normalcy since totally shutting down in mid-March due to the COVID-19 crisis. For instance, the Women’s National Basketball Association voted to dedicate its entire season to[…]

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Popular Movements Can Overcome Authoritarian Policing

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, July 26, 2020 Today is the 60th day of protests since the murder of George Floyd. This weekend, people marched in cities across the country in solidarity with Portland and in opposition to the US becoming a police state. President Trump sending troops to cities added fuel to the nationwide uprising against[…]

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Outrage Over Trump attack: Portland Movement Fights Back

by Joshua Hanks, published on Workers World, July 21, 2020 Federal officers were deployed to “quell” Portland’s protests beginning the weekend of July 10 and continuing the following week. Camouflaged unidentified agents arrested and detained demonstrators without even a pretext. The Trump administration has escalated the confrontation between the people and the state apparatus, bringing a whiff of fascism to[…]

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Who is the Most Dangerous Fascist

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, July 23, 2020 Most American leftists are incoherent on the term fascism, and Democrats have utterly destroyed the word’s meaning. “In their cartoon politics, fascist simply means “Trump.” After seizing an initial beachhead around federal buildings in Portland, Oregon, Donald Trump is threatening to send his Homeland Security über alles storm troopers into[…]

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