Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Four Straight Years of Nonstop Street Protest in Haiti

by Vijay Prashad, produced by Globetrotter, September 27, 2022 The destruction of Haiti appears to be an international project.  The US leads, having smashed their legitimate government repeatedly and destroyed any avenues toward independence, integrity or economic stability that have arisen.  What is their crime?  Is it an indpendent spirit, or merely the vulnerability of the small and weak?   […]

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US, Europe Greenlight Israel’s Latest Gaza Massacre

by Ali Abunimah, published on Electronic Intifada, August 6, 2022 As the toll of death, injury and destruction rose in Gaza on Saturday, the second day of Israel’s surprise attack on the territory, the Biden administration reiterated its full support for Tel Aviv. John Kirby, a spokesperson for the White House’s National Security Council said the administration urges “all sides[…]

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Resistance, Resilience, and Fight Back, People of Yemen Winning the War Against Imperialism

by Azza Rojbi, published on Fire This Time, Volume 16, Issue #3/4 “Sometimes I sleep two, three hours, and then I wake up and stay up until morning… I remember my children and my home…Our lives were humble, but it was a quiet life, a good life, we were happy…we lost everything.” Those are the words of Abdullah al-Ibbi in[…]

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The Great Game of Smashing Countries

by John Pilger, published on CounterPunch, August 25, 2921 As the US leaves Afghanistan in disgrace, it is illuminating to look at the beginning of the story.  You  have probably heard this story before but it merits retelling.  Syria has a similar one, and Iran, and even Iraq though each country has been entangled with US foreign policy and US[…]

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