Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Israel Confiscates Materials for Clinic in the West Bank

From B’tselem Website, March 26,  2020 This morning, Thursday, 26 March 2020, at around 7:30 am, officials from Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank arrived with a military jeep escort, a bulldozer and two flatbed trucks with cranes at the Palestinian community of Khirbet Ibziq in the northern Jordan Valley. They confiscated poles and sheeting that were meant to[…]

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Sick Palestinian Laborer Dropped of Near Checkpoint by Israeli Police

by Suha Arraf, published by +92 Magazine, March 24, 2020 What happens to Palestinian laborers in Israel who are suspected of contracting the novel coronavirus? Based on two recent stories, it appears the Israeli authorities are simply dropping off sick Palestinian workers at a checkpoint in the occupied West Bank without any concern for their health and safety. Palestinian social[…]

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Why Trump Can’t Save Israel

by Tim Anderson, Published on the American Herald Tribune, January 29, 2020 Despite Trump’s apparent show of strength in the cynical ‘Peace to Prosperity’ plan, he is actually helping Netanyahu destroy Israel, the European colony in Palestine. Palestinian envoy to Britain Husam Zomlot said the announcement was a “piece of political theatre” and will push the situation “over the cliff[…]

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What is the Trump/Kushner “Peace Plan” for Israel and Palestine?

by François Dubuisson, published on Mondoweiss, January 31, 2020 Trump ‘Plan’ would create a fictitious Palestinian state devoid of rights under international law After being announced shortly after Donald Trump took office in 2017, the “Plan” (modestly called “the Vision”) supposed to put an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was made public on January 28th. It is therefore now possible to[…]

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How to answer the question, ‘Do you recognize Israel’s right to exist?’

Steven Salaita is one of the academics who had his career destroyed by the Zionist cabal in the United States.   He continues to write occasional pieces for publication in the alternative,  media.  In his latest article he addresses a pivotal subject. [ed] by Steven Salaita, published on Mondoweiss, December 10, 2019 When anti-Zionists discuss the Middle East, the topic of[…]

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Israeli occupation costs Palestinians billions: UN

A recent UN report indicates that Israel has withheld tens of billions of dollars in taxes and duties that are due to the Palestinian Authority, placing Palestinians in a fiscal crisis and severely impacting development. by Barbara Bibbo, reposted on If Americans Knew from Al Jazeera, December 4, 2019 Israel’s withholding of taxes and duties due to the occupied Palestinian[…]

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Lost count? Israel killed 43 Palestinians in November

If it feels like Palestinians are constantly dying, that’s because they are. 43 in November. 526 since Trump’s Jerusalem announcement 2 years ago – 111 of them children. Where in the world is the world? Reposted from Quds Network (December 2, 2019) and If Americans Knew A Palestinian statistics center documented the murder of 43 Palestinians by Israeli soldiers in November.[…]

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Apartheid Made Official

The Deal of the Century is a Ploy and the Reality is Annexation by Dr. Ramzy Baroud, from, September 17, 2019 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is moving quickly to alter the political reality in Palestine, and facing little or no resistance. On September 10, Netanyahu declared his intentions to annex swathes of Palestinian land adjacent to the Jordan[…]

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An Open Letter to Ro Khanna and the Rest of the Congressional Wimps on Israel

by Judith Bello I am very disappointed that you supported H.Res. 246 which condemns the BDS movement, a nonviolent method of reminding Israel that the world will not continue to tolerate their oppression of the Palestinian people. I am even more disappointed in your response to queries regarding why you supported this resolution. First, you say that because it is[…]

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