Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Nicaragua and the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Stephen Sefton – Tortillas con Sal, published on TeleSUR English, March 30, 2020 While each country’s experience facing the COVID-19 pandemic is different, some common fundamental factors can make the difference between a widespread catastrophe and relative stability. Nicaragua has so far been among the most successful countries in Latin America in protecting its population from the virus while[…]

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Public Health, COVID-19 and Recovery

Tim Anderson’s lengthy and technical exploration of the data on COVID-19 reveals some insights into the source and the spread of the disease and compares US medical practices treating the disease with those in some other places. [jb] By Tim Anderson, published on the Herald Tribune, April 10, 2020 In all epidemics, there are some principles which determine how well[…]

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COVID-19 and The India You Don’t See In the News

by Arundati Roy, published in Financial Times, April 3, 2020 Who can use the term “gone viral” now without shuddering a little? Who can look at anything any more — a door handle, a cardboard carton, a bag of vegetables — without imagining it swarming with those unseeable, undead, unliving blobs dotted with suction pads waiting to fasten themselves on[…]

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US Gunning for Trouble

by Finian Cunningham, published on Information Clearing House, April 7, 2020 April 07, 2020 “Information Clearing House” – The spectre of the coronavirus pandemic in the US has darkened decidedly, with President Trump warning of a harrowing next few weeks from a surging disease death toll. Into the malevolent mix are reports of American citizens buying up firearms as if[…]

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Corporate Media Ignore International Cooperation as Shortcut to Coronavirus Vaccine

by Joshua Cho, published on FAIR, April 2, 2020 When Dr. Jonas Salk was asked in a legendary interview about who owned the patent on the effective polio vaccine he and his team had developed, he acknowledged that their achievement belonged to “the people,” and likened efforts to profit off their innovation to be as unethical as trying to patent[…]

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Capitalism Is the Virus! Bail Out Working People, Not the Corporate Elite!

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action. The U.S. Senate’s March 25, $2 trillion 97-0, COVID-19 corporate bailout vote gifted the ruling rich an amount never exceeded in world history. The overwhelming portion went directly to the coffers of the billionaire elite for whom the lives of literally millions of Americans are subordinate to their horror at seeing their casino[…]

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US Blockade Prevents Medical Supplies from Reaching Cuba

Published on TeleSUR English, April 1 , 2020 It is interesting to note that Jack Ma also donated masks and ventilators to the United States.[ed] Jack Ma, a Chinese entrepreneur and founder of Alibaba, allocated a donation of masks, rapid diagnostic kits, and ventilators. This aid was intended for the patients affected by COVID-19 and the medical staff on the[…]

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Israel Confiscates Materials for Clinic in the West Bank

From B’tselem Website, March 26,  2020 This morning, Thursday, 26 March 2020, at around 7:30 am, officials from Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank arrived with a military jeep escort, a bulldozer and two flatbed trucks with cranes at the Palestinian community of Khirbet Ibziq in the northern Jordan Valley. They confiscated poles and sheeting that were meant to[…]

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