Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Capitalist System is as Unprepared for Climate Change as it is for Covid-19

by Alison Bodine, published in Fire This Time Newsletter, July/August, 2020 On June 5, 2020, Alison Bodine spoke on behalf of the Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice at an international climate justice Webinar hosted by the Venezuela Ecology Movement (MEVEN) and Misión Nevado, a Social Mission in Venezuela dedicated to the protection of animals. The Webinar was entitled,[…]

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Israeli Occupation of Palestine is Devastating the Natural Environment

The Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has devastated the environment… uprooted native trees… imposed polluting industries… prevented sustainable development… caused loss of biodiversity… By Mazin B. Qumsiyeh and Mohammed A. Abusarhan, reposted from Science for the People  Prior to the 1948 war and even the Zionist Congress of 1897, Palestine had some thirteen hundred villages and towns,[…]

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American Environmentalism’s Racist Roots Have Shaped Global Thinking About Conservation

by Prakash Kashwan, published on Consortium News, September 3, 2020 (originally published on  The Conversation) The United States is having a long-overdue national reckoning with racism. From criminal justice to pro sports to pop culture, Americans increasingly are recognizing how racist ideas have influenced virtually every sphere of life in this country. This includes the environmental movement. Recently the Sierra[…]

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U.S. ‘War Games’ Threaten COVID Spread in Hawaii

by Quell Nessumo, published on Workers World, July 29, 2020 Despite the ongoing global pandemic, the U.S. military has no plans to cancel RIMPAC (Rim of the Pacific Exercise), the largest international military exercise in the world. Beginning in 1971, and held every two years in June and July off the coast of Hawaii, RIMPAC is a show of imperialist[…]

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Building On Victories For A Stronger Climate Justice Movement

by Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, published on Popular Resistance, July 19, 2020 While the climate justice movement has been winning important victories, stopping and slowing pipelines and other fossil fuel infrastructure, and putting the future of fossil fuels in doubt, the political system, long connected to the fossil fuel industry, is still fighting the urgently needed transition to clean[…]

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‘Monumental Victory’: Court-Ordered Shutdown of Dakota Access Pipeline

by Jessica Corbett, published on Common Dreams, July 6, 2020 A U.S. district court on Monday delivered a major win to local Indigenous organizers and climate activists—and a significant blow to the fossil fuel industry and the Trump administration—by ordering the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) to be shut down and emptied of oil by Aug. 5 while federal regulators conduct an environmental review[…]

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