Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Ominous Omnibus: Pentagon Wins, Workers Lose

Editorial, published on Workers World, March 15, 2022 A $1.5 trillion “omnibus” spending bill, which President Joe Biden is expected to sign, passed the House and Senate March 10. Over half the money in the Consolidated Appropriations Act — $782 billion, a $42 billion increase over fiscal 2021 — is going for Pentagon spending. Of course NATO, the Pentagon’s proxy[…]

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Secular Democracy And The Future of Palestine

by Haidar Eid, published on Mondoweiss, January 28, 2022 The two-state solution continues to lose support in Palestine. More and more Palestinians are realizing that that the so-called peace process has only resulted in the the production of new Israeli facts on the ground, and new repressive practices that make a functioning Palestinian State impossible. No wonder then that a[…]

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Nicaragua Once Again Inaugurates the “People as President”

by Nan McCurdy, published on Covert Action Magazine, January 23, 2022 On January 10, Daniel Ortega was inaugurated President and Rosario Murillo was inaugurated as Vice President. The central event in the Plaza of the Revolution was accompanied by Sandinistas celebrating in almost every town with big-screen displays of the inauguration. Once he had been sworn in, with the presidential[…]

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How Can Some Progressives Get Basic Information about Nicaragua So Wrong?

by John Perry and Rick Sterling, published in the LA Progressive, December 20, 2021 On November 7, Nicaragua held elections in which current president Daniel Ortega received 75% support and, as a result, begins a new term of office in January. Not surprisingly, the US government described the election as a “sham.” Of more concern is that many on the[…]

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Nicaragua’s Evidence-Based Democracy Threatens U.S. Oppression Domestically and Abroad

by Lauren Smith, published on Covert Action Magazine, December 6, 2021 Despite Washington’s best effort to derail Nicaragua’s electoral process through hybrid warfare, strong voter turnout resulted in a decisive victory by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), and the reelection of President Daniel Ortega with 75.92% of the votes cast. Nicaragua’s non-partisan, independent Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) reported on[…]

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Tussling with China: The Balkan Project Washington Wants to Derail

by Gregory Elich, published on Counterpunch, September 2, 2021 US Anti-China propaganda and Chinese infrastructure loans to EU Countries.   Yes, China is making lots of these loans; no, they aren’t As work nears completion in the first phase of an ambitious project in Montenegro to develop a highway that will connect the Adriatic port of Bar with Serbia, Western officials[…]

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Why Democracies in G7 & NATO Should Reject U.S. Leadership

by Nicolas J.S. Davies and Medea Benjamin, June 15, 2021 The world has been treated to successive spectacles of national leaders gathering at a G7 Summit in Cornwall and a NATO Summit in Brussels. The U.S. corporate media have portrayed these summits as chances for President Biden to rally the leaders of the world’s democratic nations in a coordinated response[…]

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US Confirms No Venezuela Sanctions Relief Without ‘Irreversible Changes’

by Paul Dobson, published on Venezuelanalysis, May 31, 2021 Mérida, May 31, 2021 ( – The United States has ruled out lifting sanctions against Venezuela, quelling hopes of a policy reversal from the Joe Biden administration. Speaking with self-declared ‘interim president’ Juan Guaidó on a weekly digital broadcast called Aló Embajador (Hello Ambassador) last Thursday, US Charge d’Affaires to Venezuela[…]

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Statement from the International Delegation to the 2021 Syrian Presidential Election

This independent delegation was assembled to witness the May 26, 2021 presidential election in Syria and to investigate on-the-ground conditions of Syrian life in the current period. Activists and journalists from Palestine, Syria, South Africa, France, Canada, and the United States joined this delegation on the invitation of the Syria Solidarity Movement and Arab Americans 4 Syria. This joint statement[…]

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Eyewitness report: Syrians Celebrate Election Outcome

by Kobi Guillory, published on Fightback News, May 28, 2021 Damascus, Syria – On Wednesday, May 26, election day in Syria, crowds flocked to polling places to cast their votes. A delegation of observers from the U.S., South Africa, France and Palestine visited polling locations east of Damascus in the war-torn Ghouta region to witness the voting and celebrations taking[…]

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