Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Inside Trump’s Trade Bluster

by Jeff Mackler, originally published on Socialist Action Analyzing President Donald Trump’s excoriating traditional U.S. trading partners at the Group of Seven’s (G7) May meeting in Quebec, Marxist economist Michael Roberts commented: “What all these Trumpist antics revealed is that the period of the Great Moderation and globalization, from the 1980s to 2007, when all major capitalist states worked together[…]

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Capitalist Formula Kills Babies

by Workers World Editor In the course of one week in July, baby formula monopolies exposed that the drive for capitalist profits kills infants, and the Trump gang showed how an imperialist regime serves these monopolies — or tries to — whatever ruthless means it takes. Good that they failed. Capitalist monopolies strive for profits above all other goals. The[…]

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How Capitalism Fails

A lecture by Yanis Varoufakis, in Cambridge Massachusetts, May 2018 Yanis Varoufakis was the Greek Minister of Finance with the Syriza party government, who resigned after 6 months.   The Syriza Party proclaimed itself ready to make radical changes necessary to restore Greek sovereignty and economic stability.  In 2015, when the Syriza government held a referendum on leaving the EU,[…]

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There is a Structural Crisis of Capitalism

by Jipson John and Jitheesh P.M., originally posted on Black Agenda Report,  May 09 “Capitalism has become an “obsolete social system.” A Marxist thinker of profound originality and theoretical innovation, Samir Amin continues to intellectually equip us to comprehend, analyse and critique the “obsolete” nature of present-day capitalism, the unequal North-South divide between countries, the continued operation of imperialism, the[…]

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