Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

In Praise of Blood

African dictators Paul Kagame and Laurent Kabila slaughtered and impoverished the people of central Africa on behalf of and assisted by western corporations and western governments. The following has been excerpted from Judi Rever’s compelling new book, In Praise of Blood: The Crimes of the Rawandan Patriotic Front, with permission of the publisher, Random House Canada. Originally published on Black[…]

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UN Declared Humanitarian Crisis in the DRC, President Kabila Rejects Aid

President Joseph Kabila insists that there is no humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo, even as millions of children starve. Kabila “doesn’t want anything to reinforce what is widely understood: that the instability in the country is caused in large part by his refusal to step down from power,” says Friends of the Congo’s Maurice Carney Interview with[…]

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Congolese Youth Face Repression for Speaking Up

Young activists who are in the forefront of challenging the Joseph Kabila regime have been subjected to indefinite detention By Kate Janse van Rensburg, originally published on The Dawn News, April 10, 2018 Christian Lumu Lukusa and James Katshingu were kidnapped by the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Kinshasa on November 22, 2017. They[…]

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Resource Sovereignty: Venezuela, Africa and the Global South

“The Congolese people in particular and Africans in general need to learn from their brothers and their sisters in the Global South.” In his September 20, 2017 speech at the UN General Assembly, Donald Trump threatened Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. In October, his administration indicated that it will not recognize the results of Venezuela’s presidential election on April 22[…]

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Drones In the Sahara

by Joe Penny An American Base with Ground Operations in Nigeria Late in the morning of October 4 last year, a convoy of Nigerien and American special forces soldiers in eight vehicles left the village of Tongo Tongo. As they made their way between mud-brick houses with thatched roofs, they were attacked from one side by dozens of militants, if[…]

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New Evidence of the Systematic Looting of Africa

Zambia denied loan by IMF New Evidence of the Systematic Looting of Africa by an Increasingly Schizophrenic World Bank by Patrick Bond, originally published on Black Agenda Report, Feb 7, 2018 “’Sub-Saharan Africa loses roughly $100 billion of ANS annually because it is “the only region with periods of negative levels’ of gross national income.” A brand new World Bank[…]

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Addis Ababa and Davos: A Tale of Two Summits

The members of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Jan. 28, 2018. by Abayomi Azakiwe, originally published on Workers World Jan 30, 2018 President Donald Trump’s demeaning comments on his preference for northern European immigrants over Africans both on the continent and in the Caribbean indicate the postcolonial crisis in relations between global capitalism and emerging nations in Africa,[…]

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Concentration Camps for African Migrants Blocked from Entering Europe are Popping Up Across Libya

“The Europeans want to move their southern border from the northern edge of the Mediterranean Sea to the southern rim of the Sahara Desert.” By Vijay Prashad. This article previously appeared in Alternet and Black Agenda Report Refugees do not show up in the Mediterranean Sea as if from nowhere. By the time they get into their flimsy boats on the[…]

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