Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

My Grandfather, Nelson Mandela, Helped End Apartheid. Let’s Do the Same for Palestine

In light of the fact that many US states have criminalized support for the Palestinian BDS campaign, we need to see the oppression of Palestinians in its true context.  At the end of Apartheid, South African divisions were not reinforced, but rather the entire country was restored to the native people of South Africa. [Ed] by Nkosi Zwelivelile, published on[…]

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Coronavirus and Militarism, The End of an Illusion

Statement from the Black Alliance for Peace The nation that considers itself to be the apex of capitalist achievement on planet Earth turns out to have no health care system worthy of the name – a testament to the sucking moral vacuum at America’s imperial, white settler colony core. A lowly virus – a form of being that exists at[…]

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Libya Before and After Muammar Gaddhafi

by Roxana Baspineiro, Published on Black Agenda Report, February 5, 2020 Nine years after his death, residents in the chaos-wracked country’s capital have grown to miss the longtime leader as the frustrations of daily life mount. “Gaddafi ruled for 42 years, leading Libya to a significant advance in social, political and economic matters.” Nine years after the military intervention, led by[…]

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End Sanctions — Act of War — on Zimbabwe

By Stephanie Hedgecoke published on Workers World, November 2, 2019 October 25 was declared “A Day of Action”  by the South African Development Community to end the economic sanctions on Zimbabwe.  SADC is comprised of 16 countries in the Southern African region. These sanctions — an act of war imposed by the U.S. and other Western imperialist countries 20 years[…]

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Millions Say: Change the System, Not the Climate!

by Jeff Mackler,  published on Socialist Action,  October 9, 2019 The week of unprecedented massive and worldwide climate mobilizations that began on Friday, Sept. 20, represented an historic breakthrough in the consciousness of the world’s people. An estimated 7.6 million people in 185 countries from every continent on earth except Antarctica mobilized in unprecedented numbers to condemn the governments and[…]

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“Operation Brown Nose” U.S. Aids French Dirty Work in Africa

by Mark P. Fancher, Published on Black Agenda Report, September 18, 2019 The U.S. has gone extra miles to support French military efforts to protect uranium mining in Niger. “When U.S. economic or geo-political interests are in jeopardy in Africa, France is often regarded as the “go-to” country for a military solution.” Two years ago, four U.S. soldiers deployed in[…]

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Gaddafi vs The West: 2 Revolutions on The Wrong Side of History

by Garikai Chengu, from Black Agenda Report, September 25, 2019 Gaddafi’s revolution created one of the 21st century’s most profoundly successful experiments in economic democracy. “The West’s objective was to oust Gaddafi, install a puppet regime, and gain control of Libya’s natural resources.” This month marks half a century since Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan revolution, which led to the overthrow of[…]

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Drones over Djibouti

Featured Image:  Haven’t heard about any recent drone strikes?  US Drone Strikes are up 432% under Donald Trump and Military infrastructure for Drones is growing like crazy in Africa. by Lion Summerbell , Published on Democratic Socialists of America, June 26, 2019 With 34 military bases, the U.S. is scrambling for influence in Africa On August 7, 1998, simultaneous explosions[…]

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