Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

UN Declared Humanitarian Crisis in the DRC, President Kabila Rejects Aid

President Joseph Kabila insists that there is no humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo, even as millions of children starve. Kabila “doesn’t want anything to reinforce what is widely understood: that the instability in the country is caused in large part by his refusal to step down from power,” says Friends of the Congo’s Maurice Carney Interview with[…]

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Congolese Youth Face Repression for Speaking Up

Young activists who are in the forefront of challenging the Joseph Kabila regime have been subjected to indefinite detention By Kate Janse van Rensburg, originally published on The Dawn News, April 10, 2018 Christian Lumu Lukusa and James Katshingu were kidnapped by the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Kinshasa on November 22, 2017. They[…]

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