Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

NICA-Act-I: Nicaragua Reminds the US of its Debts

by Chuck Kaufman, from NicaNotes, August 22, 2017 Passage by the US House Foreign Affairs Committee of the ridiculous NICA Act brought a rebuff by the Sandinista government of President Daniel Ortega and a reminder of the US’s own unpaid debt to Nicaragua. The NICA Act (Nicaragua Investment Conditionality Act of 2017), if it became law, would require US representatives in multilateral lending institutions[…]

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Not So Happy New Years: Tears Flow from the War Hawks Over the Political Crisis of US imperialism

by Danny Haiphong, from Black Agenda Report, January 9, 2019 The US war machine can no longer provide its corporate masters the neo-colonial stability they need to reap long-term gain from the imperial order. “The political crisis of U.S. imperialism is becoming more difficult to manage.” The year of 2018 ended with a flurry of conflicts between factions of the[…]

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Democratic Republic of Congo Elections Increase Imperialist Interference

Members of the Congolese community in Toronto protest 2011 election results in Congo-Kinshasa, in which President Joseph Kabila was named the winner. Toronto, Ontario, Canada ~Wikimedia, CreativeCommons By Carlos Lopes Pereira posted to Workers World, December 13, 2018 The Legacy of Joseph Kabila The U.S. and the European Union see Africa through the prism of colonialism. Statements by EU Commissioner[…]

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Canadian Woman Continues to Fight to Obtain a Passport

Editor’s note: Interesting story.  Beyond from the abuse of Ms. Boudreau’s civil rights, the story raises an interesting question regarding the intentions of the Canadian government which facilitated the young man’s journey to join a terrorist organization in Syria, and now undermines his mother’s efforts to stop other young men from following the same path.   This from a country that[…]

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Governments’ Failures On Climate Spur New Actions

by Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, from Popular Resistance, November 25, 2018 Notes from the UK: We are currently traveling in the United Kingdom, following our participation in the No US NATO Bases conference in Dublin, Ireland and delivery of a letter to the International Criminal Court in The Hague calling for a full investigation of Israel’s war crimes. We[…]

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U.S. Occupation in Syria Facilitates ISIS Massacre in Sweida

Photo: Hundreds of refugees from the US-led coalition-controlled Rukban refugee camp bordering Jordan have traveled several hundred kilometers west to the Damascus suburbs seeking assistance from Syrian authorities. By Talal el-Atrache from Syria Comment – 8 Nov 2018 Throughout the Syrian war, the Southern Province of Sweida, in coordination with the Syrian army, had succeeded in protecting itself against[…]

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End the U.S. blockade of Cuba!

Image Anonymous, June 8, 2006, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License Posted by Workers World Editor, November 16, 2018 Opinion polls said it. Now the Florida midterm elections show it. Two of three South Florida representatives to the U.S. House who had prioritized hostility to socialist Cuba lost their seats. Ileana Roz-Lehtinen’s hand-picked replacement couldn’t win her former congressional seat; Carlos[…]

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Yes, What About Yemen?

by Jeremy Salt, from American Herald Tribune, November 13, 2019 After the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, many are asking ‘But what about Yemen?’ Yes, indeed, what about Yemen, but what about Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and Somalia? What about Egypt in 1956, what about Iran in 1953 and what about Palestine from 1917 to the present day? There is[…]

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Crucifying Julian Assange

Reino Unido (Londres), 16 de Junio del 2013. Simpatizantes de Julian Assange se reúnen en los exteriores de la embajada ecuatoriana en Londres. Foto: Xavier Granja Cedeño/Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. by Chris Hedges, published on TruthDig Website, November 12, 2018 Julian Assange’s sanctuary in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has been transformed into a little shop of horrors. He has[…]

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