Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. Occupation in Syria Facilitates ISIS Massacre in Sweida

Photo: Hundreds of refugees from the US-led coalition-controlled Rukban refugee camp bordering Jordan have traveled several hundred kilometers west to the Damascus suburbs seeking assistance from Syrian authorities. By Talal el-Atrache from Syria Comment – 8 Nov 2018 Throughout the Syrian war, the Southern Province of Sweida, in coordination with the Syrian army, had succeeded in protecting itself against[…]

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End the U.S. blockade of Cuba!

Image Anonymous, June 8, 2006, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License Posted by Workers World Editor, November 16, 2018 Opinion polls said it. Now the Florida midterm elections show it. Two of three South Florida representatives to the U.S. House who had prioritized hostility to socialist Cuba lost their seats. Ileana Roz-Lehtinen’s hand-picked replacement couldn’t win her former congressional seat; Carlos[…]

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Yes, What About Yemen?

by Jeremy Salt, from American Herald Tribune, November 13, 2019 After the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, many are asking ‘But what about Yemen?’ Yes, indeed, what about Yemen, but what about Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and Somalia? What about Egypt in 1956, what about Iran in 1953 and what about Palestine from 1917 to the present day? There is[…]

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Crucifying Julian Assange

Reino Unido (Londres), 16 de Junio del 2013. Simpatizantes de Julian Assange se reúnen en los exteriores de la embajada ecuatoriana en Londres. Foto: Xavier Granja Cedeño/Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. by Chris Hedges, published on TruthDig Website, November 12, 2018 Julian Assange’s sanctuary in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has been transformed into a little shop of horrors. He has[…]

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Urgent Call: Gaza under attack! Stand with Palestine, Stand with the Resistance

Bombs are once again falling on Gaza, the largest open air prison in the world, packed with civilians.   The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine calls in an urgent action for the friends of Palestine, movements for justice and liberation and the Palestinian and Arab communities everywhere in the world to stand with Gaza under attack at this critical[…]

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End the Wars at Home and Abroad Panel Discussion

The continuous and never-ending wars abroad have contributed to the militarization of the U.S. borders, communities and the entire country. Important reforms that have been fought for by generations of activists are under attack by both major political parties. It is by understanding we have a common enemy that we can build a mass movement to fight back. Editor: This[…]

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Puerto Rico Tribunal Verdict: U.S. Is Guilty Of Crimes Against Humanity

Image: Header from Puerto Rico Tribunal Facebook Page Editor’s note:  This post is composed of information from the Puerto Rico Tribunal Facebook Page, from information circulated by the Black Alliance for Peace, and from posts on The International Action Center ( IAC) website (prologue) and Popular Resistance Newsletter (followup). The following is a summary of the indictment prepared by Agusto[…]

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International Tribunal to expose U.S. colonial crimes in Puerto Rico

By Berta Joubert-Ceci , from International Action Center (IAC) website, July 24, 2018 This year marks the 120th anniversary of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Puerto Rico during the Spanish-U.S. war, which ended with the U.S. capturing Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines and Guam. July 25, 1898, was the day when U.S. ships, commanded by General Nelson A. Miles[…]

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How to Talk About the Migrant Caravan

A protest in Iowa coinciding with a state visit by A.G. Jeff Sessions, organised by Iowa CCI in partnership with AFSC., Photo: AFSC / Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Editor’s Note: I liked this article because it provides talking points for those engaged in political conversation with non-activists.  And, regardless of where we stand on political change, there are instances[…]

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