Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Escalation of imperialist aggression against Venezuela

Escalation of imperialist aggression against Venezuela: respond with revolutionary measures Venezuelanalysis republishes this analysis of the current conditions in Venezuela from Lucha de Clases, Feb 16, 2018,  in which they call for deeper revolutionary measures as a way out of the current economic crisis. It is clear that US imperialism and its lackey countries have increased aggression against Venezuela in[…]

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An Open Letter by Native American Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier is a political prisoner in the United States.   He speaks below about his incarceration, but the context of his arrest is the 1970s American Indian Movement to illuminate the history of abuse and to demand human rights for the indigenous peoples of this continent. Leonard Peltier,  Statement February 6, 2018 Greetings Family, Friends and Supporters I am overwhelmed[…]

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US Escalates Syrian War

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published on Black Agenda Report “The commitment must be to end United States interventions and declare independence from anyone who is not firmly opposed to crimes cooked up in Washington.” The seven year-old war waged against Syria ought to be over by now. The jihadist forces backed by the United States, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia[…]

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Double Standard in Israel-Palestine Reporting

Associated Press is one of those news sources we expect to be objective and reliable. But when it comes to the subject of Israel-Palestine, things are not always as they seem. by Kathryn Shihadah and Alison Weir, originally published on If Americans Knew Blog More than half the world’s population reads Associated Press content every day. But a study of news reports[…]

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Regime Change Fails: Is A Military Coup Or Invasion Of Venezuela Next?

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, originally published on Popular Resistance, February 13, 2018 Speaking at his alma mater, the University of Texas, on February 1, Secretary of State Tillerson suggested a potential military coup in Venezuela.  Tillerson then visited allied Latin American countries urging regime change and more economic sanctions on Venezuela. Tillerson is considering banning the processing or sale of[…]

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Defend Prisoners’ Right to Read Critical Ideas

by Steve Xavier, originally published on Socialist Action, Feb 10, 2018 The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is attempting to ban the Workers World (WW) newspaper for its coverage of the Florida prison strike. According to WW, “The immediate reason given in the DOC’s Jan. 29 letter is that ‘information contained on pages 1 and 6 calls for action that may[…]

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New Evidence of the Systematic Looting of Africa

Zambia denied loan by IMF New Evidence of the Systematic Looting of Africa by an Increasingly Schizophrenic World Bank by Patrick Bond, originally published on Black Agenda Report, Feb 7, 2018 “’Sub-Saharan Africa loses roughly $100 billion of ANS annually because it is “the only region with periods of negative levels’ of gross national income.” A brand new World Bank[…]

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Deirdre Griswold Defends Korea Against Tucker Carlson (Updated With Analysis)

U.S. Anti-War Leader Deirdre Griswold Defends Korea Against Right-Wing Racist Tucker Carlson The opening of relations between North and South Korea at this year’s Olympics provides have provided a hopeful contrast to Vice President Pence’s cold snub towards North Korean officials at the opening ceremonies for the event and raised the issue of ‘Who are the Koreans after all?‘ Deirdre[…]

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Russiagate and the Surveillance Duopoly

“FISA set up a rubber stamp kangaroo court with only a handful of warrants being rejected in the forty year history of this law.” by Margaret Kimberley, originally published on Black Agenda Report Republican and Democratic Party dueling over Russiagate provides us with a teachable moment. It should teach us to disrespect and discredit the law enforcement system as it[…]

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