Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Russiagate McCarthyism Led to Internet Censorship of the Anti-War and Social Justice Movement

by Stansfield Smith, from Alliance for Global Justice, November 30, 2018 The anti-Trump movement is not simply a progressive movement against a rightwing president, but also carries within it a rightwing current. Progressive minded people fight against Trump’s racist actions against Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, his crude sexism, his pro-corporate policies, his rejection of action on global warming, his massive tax[…]

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The Amazon Robbery

by Margaret Kimberley, from Black Agenda Report, November 21, 2018 The world’s richest man just pulled a con job on several hundred US cities, which tells us a lot about the (mostly) Democrats that run these towns. “Public officials are the errand boys and girls for the billionaire rulers.” Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos is the richest man in[…]

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Unwrapping Armageddon: The Erosion of Nuclear Arms Control

A view of the some of ground launched cruise missiles (GLCM) that will be destroyed in accordance with the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Forty-one GLCMs and their launch canisters and seven transporter-erector-launchers will be disposed of at the base in the first round of reductions mandated by the treaty. (1988) by Conn M. Hallinan, from Dispatches from the Edge,[…]

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End the U.S. blockade of Cuba!

Image Anonymous, June 8, 2006, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License Posted by Workers World Editor, November 16, 2018 Opinion polls said it. Now the Florida midterm elections show it. Two of three South Florida representatives to the U.S. House who had prioritized hostility to socialist Cuba lost their seats. Ileana Roz-Lehtinen’s hand-picked replacement couldn’t win her former congressional seat; Carlos[…]

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GM to close five plants in US and Canada, slash 14,700 jobs

Photo: Workers leaving the Detroit-Hamtramck plant before the elimination of the second shift in March 2017 by Jerry White, from the World Socialist Website, November 27, 2018 General Motors officials announced yesterday that the Detroit-based automaker will close five plants in the US and Canada in 2019 and another two, still unspecified, plants outside of North America. The elimination of[…]

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The Tide is Turning: Israel Is Losing on Two War Fronts

Image: Block the Boat, Oakland CA, 8/16/14 ~Alex Chis, Flikr by Ramzy Baroud, from, November 21, 2018 The November 12 botched Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip is delineating Tel Aviv’s failure to utilize its army as a tool to achieve Palestinian political concessions. Now that the Palestinian popular resistance has gone global through the exponential rise and[…]

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UNAC Report from the First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases

by Joe Lombardo, from, November 26. 2018 Many UNAC leaders and members participated in the First International Conference against US/NATO Military Bases, which was held on November 16-18 at Liberty Hall in Dublin, Ireland and attended by more than 300 activists from 35 countries. Around 60 people registered from the US. The conference was organized by the Global Campaign[…]

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Imperialism and Immigration: The Elephant in the Room

Photo:2018/11/23 Ten days old Asylum Seekers arrives in Tijuana, Mexico ~Daniel Arauz by Alison Bodine, Fire This Time, November, 2018 At the beginning of October 2018 an estimated 4,000-7,000 people, the majority from the Central American country of Honduras, set off on a march North from San Pedro Sula, Honduras in search of somewhere to be safe. For some, their[…]

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