Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Biden Administration Must Abide by Terms of Peace Agreement

Black Alliance for Peace Solidarity Network Demands NATO Support Peace Process in Afghanistan and Withdraw Its Forces Statement, Black Alliance for Peace, March 11, 2021 MARCH 11, 2021—The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) Solidarity Network, made up of allied organizations and individuals, demands the North Atlantic Treaty Organization end its imperialist endeavor in Afghanistan and calls on the United States[…]

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AntiAsian Racism Never Stopped Being an Outgrowth of US Imperialism

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, March 10, 2021 Scant attention has been placed on the context of anti-Asian racism and its roots in the history of U.S. imperialism. “The rise of China has placed the hegemony of U.S. imperialism into question on the highest stage possible.” “Gimme that ball, gook.” “Can you see with those eyes, chink?”[…]

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Apache Stronghold Forces U.S. Government Retreat

by an Anonymous Guest Offer, published on Workers World, March 9, 2021 Apache Stronghold Makes U.S. Government Retreat Causing 9th Circuit Denial of Emergency Injunction.  Case Still proceeds on Expedited Basis OAK FLAT, AZ — This afternoon [March 5] the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denied Apache Stronghold’s appeal of U.S. District Court Judge Steven Logan’s Feb. 12, 2021, ruling.[…]

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Humanitarian Imperialism

by Alan MacLeod, published on Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, March 3, 2021 Aversion to military intervention has been the default position of the left for at least half a century—certainly since the huge protests against the Vietnam War. Washington planners lamented the development of the so-called “Vietnam Syndrome”—a widespread progressive hostility towards US interventions (invasions, bombings, coups or economic[…]

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The Crucial Amazon Union Vote in Alabama

by Sam Pizzigati, published on Consortium News, March 9, 2020 Most every morning this winter, starting about 3:30 a.m., pro-union workers have been gathering on a stretch of public sidewalk outside Amazon’s gigantic year-old warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama. They stand by a traffic light. They wait for the light to turn red — and the chance to urge their fellow Amazon workers[…]

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Global Solidarity Is Needed During The Pandemic To End Medical Apartheid

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, February 21, 2021 Some of the truths the COVID-19 pandemic is exposing about the United States are its racial disparities in health and access to health care. Black and Indigenous people are more likely to be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 than white people. They are two to three times more[…]

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Bully Biden Bombs Syria, Slashes COVID-19 Payments and Drops $15 Minimum Wage

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, March 6, 2021 President Joseph Biden’s fealty to U.S. imperialism and its ruling class domestic agenda was demonstrated soon after his Jan. 20 White House arrival. Five days later he sent additional troops to northeastern Syria to fortify U.S. control of that U.S. beleaguered nation’s oil rich and most fertile agricultural region. On[…]

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