Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. Chernobl, Why the US Failed and China Succeeded against COVID-19

By Lee Siu Hin, Published on, August 1, 2020 This is the second part of the introduction to Capitalism on a Ventilator, an anthology of articles on the US handling of the COVID-19 crisis and the Chinese response to the same, edited by IAC’s Sara Flounders and Lee Siu-Hin.  Capitalism on a Ventilator, which includes articles by  UNAC AC[…]

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US Intervenes as Venezuela Prepares for High Stakes Election

by Roger Harris, published on Resumen-English, November 25, 2020 The US finally appointed an ambassador to Venezuela after a decade hiatus and in the runup to the Venezuelan National Assembly elections. The new ambassador, James Story, was confirmed by US Senate voice vote on November 18 with Democrats supporting Trump’s nominee. Ambassador Story took his post in Bogotá, Colombia. No,[…]

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The Chinese Uyghur Dark Legend and Washington’s Campaign to Counter Chinese Economic Rivalry

by Stephen Gowans, published on What’s Left, October 25, 2020 Dig below the surface of the allegations that Beijing is abusing its Muslim population, and you won’t find concentration camps and genocide, but a US-led effort to create a Chinese dark legend. The roots of the demonization campaign are to be found in Washington’s desire to counter China’s challenge to[…]

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The Imperative To Achieve National Improved Medicare For All

By Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, November 15, 2020 Health care will be a major issue early in the new Biden/Harris administration. Unemployment is still high with over a million people applying for unemployment benefits last week and 42.6% of working age people without a job. In the United States, losing employment often means losing health insurance. On top[…]

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Evo Morales returns to Bolivia in triumph

By Marco Terrugi posted on Workers World, November 16, 2020 Chimoré airport, Bolivia First published Nov. 13 in, Teruggi’s article describes Evo Morales’ triumphant return to Bolivia after a year in exile. Translation: John Catalinotto. [Former President] Evo Morales and [Vice President] Alvaro Garcia Linera stood before a crowd at the Chimoré airport in the heart of the Chapare.[…]

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