Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Capitol Raid and Pandemic Can Help Us Empathize with Venezuelans

by Leonardo Flores, published on Portside, April 24, 2021 I like this article for talking points.  So many of the activities the US Government supports and creates in other countries are so disturbing.  How would you feel is a good question if correctly framed. [JB] The January 6th raid on the Capitol and the pandemic that has upended the lives[…]

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How Syria Divided Palestine Solidarity

Nora Barrows-Friedman and Asa Winstanley interview Rania Khalek for Electronic Intifada Podcast, April 23,2021 This is a very important topic that people are more likely to argue about than discuss, although the hard line has somewhat softened recently.   It is especially important because the propaganda and lies are once again being ramped up in the press. Rania Khalek, an Arab[…]

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Vaccine Passports in a Failed State

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, April 15, 2021 The non-vaccinated can be smeared and equated with MAGA hat wearing Trumpers, regardless of their religious or political affiliations. “The U.S. medical community should ask Cuba, China, Vietnam and other countries with low rates of infection for help in addressing the ongoing health emergency.” The COVID-19 pandemic fully exposed how[…]

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Root Causes

by David Brooks, published on Resumen English, April 19, 2021 Ever since the issue of migration flows at the U.S.-Mexico border intensified, the Biden administration has made addressing the “root causes” of migration from Central America and Mexico at the centerpiece of its response.  Biden, his vice president, Kamala Harris, and America’s foreign policymakers have held talks, made trips and[…]

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China and Africa: Black Alliance for Peace’s AFRICOM Watch Bulletin

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, April 21, 2021 Those that call China a colonizer of Africa don’t understand colonization. “US corporate media have called China a ‘new colonizer’ in Africa so many times it has been digested as truth.” The following interview was published on April 8th as part of Black Alliance for Peace’s AFRICOM Watch Bulletin[…]

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Stop line 3: Women Water Protectors and their Battle Against the Pipeline in Minnesota

by Bronwen AE, published on Socialist Action, April 19, 2021 The Biden Administration announced in early April that it will NOT force the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) to shutdown despite an order by U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg to complete his court-ordered Environmental Impact Statement. In Standing Rock Sioux Tribe et al. v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers et[…]

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The Rising Threat Of Nuclear War

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on Popular Resistance, April 19, 2021 US Strategic Command, the branch of the US military responsible for America’s nuclear arsenal, tweeted the following on Tuesday: “The spectrum of conflict today is neither linear nor predictable. We must account for the possibility of conflict leading to conditions which could very rapidly drive an adversary to consider nuclear use as[…]

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People-to-People Projects Build Israeli Impunity

by Yara Hawari, published on Consortium News, April 8, 2021 The People-to-People (P2P) framework, which refers to projects that bring Palestinian and Israeli civil society actors together in so-called cooperation and dialogue, has been revived among donor-funded initiatives in Palestine. Emphasizing notions of cooperation, understanding, and peace building, P2P is promoted as a positive framework at a time when the[…]

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