Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Turkey Manufacturing Water Crisis to Pressure Damascus and Syria’s Kurds

by Paul Antinopoulos, published on InfoBRICS, May 20, 2021 This point is an important one.  Turkey and Israel have been stealing Syria’s water for decades.  Israel has redirected the substantial water resources of the Golan into Israel and Turkey uses upstream dams on the Euphrates to limit water going into Syria and Iraq.   Turkey is misbehaving at present due to[…]

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Over 100 Anti-Protest Bills Have Been Introduced Since George Floyd Rebellion

by Ella Frassler, published on Black Agenda Report, June 23, 2021 The new laws are part of a larger trend of conservative, right-wing efforts at the state level designed to counter the goals of social movements. “Republican state politicians continue to attack the people rising up against those systemic injustices.” This June, a dangerously low-flying helicopter operated by the Department[…]

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Anti-Apartheid Guerilla: We Made the System Ungovernable

by Ted Kelly, published on Workers World, June 25, 2021 Mpho Masemola is Secretary General of the Ex-Political Prisoners Veterans Association of South Africa (EPPA) and was an underground guerrilla fighter as a member of  Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), the military wing of the African National Congress (ANC). He was a political prisoner, incarcerated along with Nelson Mandela at Pollsmoor[…]

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Don’t Allow Another U.S.-NATO Libya in the Horn of Africa

Statement by Black Alliance for Peace, June 24, 2021 Paternalistic U.S. government political posturing toward Africa has a history of turning into fatal consequences for the masses of African peoples. A decade ago, several of the same individuals who now hold positions in the Biden administration were accomplices in the U.S.-led NATO decimation of Libya, which was rationalized under the[…]

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Ethiopians Go To the Polls Even After U.S. Tells Them Not To

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, June 23, 2021 “Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia are now alarming US political and military elites by forming an alliance and threatening to chart an independent path in the Horn of Africa.” On Monday, June 21st, Ethiopians went to the polls to select a parliament, which will elect a prime minister, even though[…]

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‘American’ Imperialism is Back – Biden, Blinken, Burns and Austin

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, June 22, 2021 Joe Biden ended his weeklong diplomatic trip to Europe June 17 and returned to Washington. It revealed what he meant by “America is back.” Washington aims to retain its place directing the superrich ruling class worldwide. Biden met with the richest and most powerful imperialist leaders in the G7 in[…]

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Biden, Putin and the Press

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, June 23, 2021 “The United States has declared Russia an enemy and openly supports people who want to bring about regime change.” Corporate media in the United States work hand in hand with the state and promote its neoliberal and imperialist agenda. There is great continuity from administration to administration and nowhere[…]

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Chicago Police Murdered Adam Toledo

by Crystobal Cavazos, published on Socialist Action, June 17, 2021 By Cristobal Cavazos Thirteen-year old Adam Toledo was shot to death in the Mexican working class neighborhood of Little Village, among the most poverty stricken in Chicago. CPD officer Eric Stillman did this heinous deed on March 29, but a Chicago police cover-up reported otherwise. Months later video footage showed[…]

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US fuels Syrian War With New Arms Supplies to Al Qaeda Terrorists

by Dilyana Gaytandhzieva, published on ArmsWatch, June 21, 2021 And you thought the war on Syria was pretty much over, but here we are.   This is particularly interesting in light of the recent Frontline interview with Mohammed al-Jolani, head of Hayt-al-Tahrir (ie. Jabhat-al-Nusra, ie. Al Qaeda in Syria), who is now running Idlib Province in Syria which remains occupied by[…]

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