Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Afghanistan Collapse: an Epic Failure of U.S. Aggression

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, August 18, 2021 Wrenching images at the Kabul airport grip the world as U.S. officials had soldiers cast off  those who had cooperated with US occupation like excess baggage. The painful corporate media coverage diverts attention from Washington’s strategists who launched the criminal war for conquest and the politicians who authorized 20 years[…]

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The Return of the Taliban

by Vijay Prashad, published on Consortium News, August 18, 2021 On Aug. 15, the Taliban arrived in Kabul. The Taliban’s leadership entered the presidential palace, which Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had vacated when he fled into exile abroad hours before. The country’s borders shut down and Kabul’s main international airport lay silent, except for the cries of those Afghans who had worked[…]

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Tensions remain on Korean Peninsula Despite Both Koreas’ Desire to Improve Ties

by Uriel Araujo, published on InfoBrics, August 5, 2021 North Korea – DPRK – and South Korea (ROK) have restored their communication hotlines, including a military channel, which had been off since June 2020. According to a statement from ROK’s presidential office last Tuesday, the leaders of both Koreas have been exchanging personal letters since April and both have agreed[…]

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The Great Immigration Invasion Hoax

by James Goodman, published in The Progressive Magazine,  August 17, 2021 Rightwing propaganda and Biden’s continuation of Trump era barriers to migrants and refugees attempting to cross the southern border collude to create an atmosphere of xenophobia and ignorance in the United States.  What was big news under the Trump Administration continues in the shadows under President Biden. Someone ought[…]

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Black Alliance For Peace Statement on Afghanistan

Black Alliance for Peace Newsletter, August 18, 2021 Just days ago, some intelligence estimates figured it could take up to six months for the Taliban to seize control of Kabul in its sweeping campaign to reclaim power in Afghanistan. Yet, on Sunday, former President Ashraf Ghani formally resigned and fled the country. Now, Taliban officials reside in the presidential palace[…]

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Let the Cuban People Live! End the Blockade and Sanctions!

by Barry Shepphard, published on Socialist Action, July 24, 2021 President Biden has not only kept all of Trump’s sanctions designed to severely harm the Cuban people, he has added two more. His response to the July 11 protests in Cuba was to call for the overthrow of the socialist Cuban Revolution. The July 11 protests of the Cuban government[…]

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The Insecurity Industry

by Edward Snowden, published on Continuing Ed, July 26, 2021 I found this little article by Snowden rather entertaining.   Of course I used to be a computer programmer so this isn’t news to me.   What Ed neglects to mention here is that many of the same insecurities exist in the modem your internet provide gives you, your router and Alexis[…]

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Bolivia: Evo Morales Warns of Right-Wing Maneuvers

Translated by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews and edited by Workers World, August 13, 2021 Former president Evo Morales, leader of the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) party, denounced, this Aug. 4, the Bolivian political right for promoting destabilizing maneuvers disguised as political activism. “Once again, the coup plotters announce antidemocratic mobilizations against the legitimate, legal and constitutional government of our brother[…]

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