Petition: Demand Urgent International Protection Force For Palestine

by Ousman Noor, published by Popular Resistance, September 22, 2024

It is now clear that Israel will not comply with international demands and legal requirements to cease its massacre of the Palestinian people. In addition to its relentless bombing in Gaza, violence towards Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is rapidly escalating.

Today, the IOF conducted a raid on Al-Jazeera in Ramallah and forced its closure. In the wider context of Israel’s unrestrained violence, it appears likely that the IOF, combined with the illegal settlers, are preparing for a full scale campaign of terror against Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Yesterday, I launched an online petition addressed to government leaders worldwide to establish an international military force to protect Palestinian civilians. This is now vital to provide Palestinians with a degree of protection against the unhinged violence being unleashed in their own occupied land.

Sign and share the petition below across your networks to help ensure that it gains traction and visibility.

Petition: Urgent International Military Protection for Palestinians

A promotional video for this petition can also be found on InstagramX and Tik Tok. Please share these widely.

It may be asked what difference such a petition would make in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. However, these past few months have proven that the Palestinian cause is supported by billions worldwide, and collective action has the power to shatter all ceilings and compel governments to change course.

Apart from the primary objective of urgently establishing a military force, this petition will help create a much needed talking point at local, national and international level of the need of Palestinians for protection.

Sign now!

Petition: Urgent International Military Protection for Palestinians

*Featured Image: Pakistan joined Turkey in urging the UN to deploy an international protection force in occupied Palestinian territories to protect innocents there from Israeli violence. A News.

Ousman Noor is Co-Director  @CivilianAgenda| Human Rights & Refugee Law Barrister | Revolutionary Optimist

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