A Christmas Reminder: This is What Genocide Looks Like

The Upstate Drone Action group is composed of old hands who have been protesting war and imperialism, and doing civil resistance for their entire lives, which in most cases, is a long time.    Their actions are creative and visceral.  I you want to see more examples, go to their website.

Lately, Hancock Air National Guard Base outside Syracuse New York, which has been the center of their actions for the last decade, has been increasingly inaccessible.  The days with 30+ arrests followed by a week long trial have passed… but the spirit lives on.  Hancock is a one of the primary drone control bases in the United States, and training center for drone technicians around the country. Recently, the gates are locked, the news is managed, there are no arrests at Hancock and the press doesn’t show up.

Today, Upstate Drone Action is back on the streets, to call out the genocide in Palestine.  On December 9, they dug a grave for the children of Gaza in front of the State Building in downtown Syracuse, and held a funeral for the tens of Thousands of children murdered by Israel land the United States in Palestine.

There were 3 arrests.  However the result was small fines and immediate release.


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