45 Years After Its Revolution, Nicaragua Offers the World a Better Way Forward

by Gloria Guillo, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 23, 2024

Despite Continued U.S. Destabilization Efforts, Egalitarian and Just Principles Flourish

On July 19th, the people of Nicaragua and more than 700 international guests and official delegations from nations around the world celebrated the 45th anniversary of its revolution against the United States-installed puppet dictator, Anastasio Somoza, and the re-assertion of its sovereignty and independence.

Managua’s Plaza de la Fe July 19, 2024. The Sandinista government arranged the celebration’s seating into the shape of a heart to show how love is the prime motivation for revolutionaries. [Source: Photo Courtesy of @Canal4Ni]
President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo welcomed government representatives and personalities from nations such as Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Brazil, United States, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Dominican Republic, and official delegations from Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Saint Vincent, Russia, Kuwait, Qatar, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Angola, Algeria, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Palestine and South Africa.

Sandinista Revolution July 19, 1979

Severe social, economic, and political inequality inspired workers, students and farmers to fight under the auspices of the Sandinista Front for National Liberation (FSLN) against the traitorous Somoza dynasty, which exploited and brutalized the people of Nicaragua for 43 years.

Anastasio Somoza García, the founder of the Somoza dynasty, had been head of the U.S.-created National Guard who was installed after a period of U.S. Marine occupation. He betrayed and murdered nationalist patriot Augusto César Sandino who had taken up arms against the U.S. Marines and provided the inspiration for the modern-day Sandinistas.

Anastasio Somoza Garcia and Augusto Cesar Sandino. [Source: laprensani.com]
From 1936 to 1979, the Somoza dynasty extracted blood-money profits for themselves, members of their ruthlessly oppressive National Guard, and their U.S. transnational corporate overlords.

This ensured the U.S. government readily supplied Somoza with military aid and provided his army and police forces with tactical training at the U.S. Army School of the Americas.

Why the U.S. Attacks Nicaragua

This 45th anniversary celebration is not only a momentous occasion from a historical perspective, due to the success of a small, impoverished country prevailing against a wealthy superpower, it also presents a uniting example of hope for people around the world oppressed by the U.S. oligarchy.

Nicaragua’s humanitarian model exposes the lie that relegates resistance to socio-economic and political oppression to a bogeyman of “socialist/communist expansion.” Nicaragua has a mixed economy, just like the United States.

The only difference is that the United States subjects its impoverished and working class to competitive capitalist principles that pit them against each other (little job protection, a failing safety net, rampant inflation, and divisive PSYOP narratives involving manufactured political divisions, health care, education and culture wars) and instead rewards elites, corporations and banks with socialist bailouts and anti-market tariffs and tax cuts.

Trump’s VP Choice Means He Will Provide More of the Same

The choice of J.D. Vance as Donald Trump’s running mate sends a clear message. Vance has proudly admitted that his most “significant moment” at Yale University was during a talk by Bilderberg’s steering committee globalist Peter Thiel. Reportedly, billionaire Thiel, the Silicon Valley and the Deep State’s darling, explained that technological innovations could be used to “increase prestigious outcomes for elites” thereby “reducing competition between them.”

Keep in mind that capitalism is inherently a zero-sum game between the elites and the working class and the impoverished. Technological innovations engendered by the elites unquestionably result in greater surveillance and economic control over everyone else, which ultimately leads to a tightening noose of social control focused on dissident voices both domestically and internationally. The elites consider their unconstitutional acts simply a matter of self-preservation.

Elites Never Forget They Are Outnumbered

The elites never forget they are outnumbered and that is why Nicaragua’s victorious overthrow of its brutal dictatorship still frightens the bipartisan U.S. establishment. That is also why they are still attempting to crush Nicaragua’s social democracy by economic warfare and a barrage of deceitful propaganda vilifying its leaders, which is obligingly distributed by The New York Times and the rest of corporate press, radio, TV, cable, and social media. The elites find the power of a good example dangerous as Nicaragua’s success was and still is an inspiration to millions of oppressed people that understand democracy can be established even when it’s relentlessly opposed by the colossus of the North.

Technological Control Rolled Out to Republicans as Progress

Digital Identification (ID) is now being marketed as a way to protect U.S. borders from illegal entry and the electoral process from voter fraud. This is exactly the spin necessary to successfully roll out digital IDs to the Republican Party’s base—which couldn’t be largely convinced to participate in this unconstitutional dictate when the stated excuse was “to develop healthcare passports.” However, the charade of healthcare passports to justify digital ID’s worked like a charm over the Democratic Party’s base.

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will shortly follow digital IDs. Once digital currency is in place and every transaction is monitored by AI, social credit scores will be used to control dissent as all will be under the threat of being cut off from their economic resources with one keystroke.

Nicaragua’s Strategy for Success: Investing in Human Capital and Seeking Cooperative Agreements

Nicaragua does the inverse of the U.S. by investing in its human capital and seeking cooperative international agreements with countries that include, but are not limited to, Russia, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Ultimately, the debate is between long-term sustainable development based upon mutually beneficial trade agreements in the context of a multipolar world and short-term fleeting profits achieved by stick em up robbery tactics, otherwise known as illegal unilateral economic sanctions that only benefit elite corporate sectors in the U.S.

Compared to his Western counterparts, Nicaragua’s Ortega administration is a model in its humanity. Its notable achievements include: providing Nicaraguans with a) fair elections, b) free education from pre-school to trade and technical schools, and the offering of scholarships to university students c) free healthcare d) subsidized housing and land titles e) microloans for private business development. It has also initiated programs to develop infrastructure that ensures all have access to excellent highways, clean water, electricity, and sanitation.

Nicaragua succeeds despite increasingly onerous illegal economic coercive sanctions that are justified by fictional accusations which have been ratcheted up each year since the U.S. coup attempt in 2018 failed. The latest news is that Nicaragua’s establishment of diplomatic relations with the People of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan may subject it to the United States’ most oppressive sanctions possible under the Specially Designated Global Terrorist OrganizationExecutive Order 13224.

“On paper, the State Department’s Bureau of Counterterrorism identifies potential targets for designation, not the CIA. Not only does it consider actual terrorist attacks that a group has carried out for this sanctionable classification, but also if a group has the “capability and intent to carry out such acts.” Thus, an entity can be sanctioned for thought crimes projected upon it by the United States government. In effect, only the United States and its select allies can “safely” have a functional military with weapons of mass destruction and remain in a position to defend themselves. Further, a “terrorist activity” or “terrorism” is not only defined as an imagined threat to the “national defense” of the United States but also an imagined threat to its “foreign relations and economic interests.” Often sanctions are set specifically to disrupt the trade relations of geopolitical foes like China and Russia—as evidenced by the case of Zimbabwe, a country with an abundance of strategic raw minerals.” – Lauren Smith

Punching Above Its Weight Class

Nicaragua heroically applies its egalitarian and just principles outside its borders by punching above its weight class in its efforts to preserve the well-being of Palestinians living in Israel and Russians living in Ukraine who are subject to horrendous abuse by the United States NATO military gravy train.

The U.S. supplies billions of dollars in currency and weapons to Israel and Ukraine and kicks back socialist profits to its Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academic-Think Tank (MICIMATT) complex. Additionally, it ensures the success of sweetheart redevelopment deals that benefit BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase.


In March, Nicaragua presented a case against Germany before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that demanded the imposition of emergency measures to stop Berlin from providing Israel with weapons. Nicaragua alleged that Berlin is “facilitating the commission of genocide” against Palestinians in Gaza in coordination with its ally, Israel.

Nicaragua cited the 1948 Genocide Convention and the 1949 Geneva Conventions on the laws of war in the occupied Palestinian territories. Germany is considered a key ally of Tel Aviv and is its number 2 arms provider. Unsurprisingly, the United States is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the ICJ and does not recognize its jurisdiction.

Nicaragua’s support of the Palestinian cause dates to the 1970s, when Israel was a key weapons supplier to the United States-backed Somoza dynasty.


President Ortega became one of the first world leaders to back Russia’s stance over Ukraine, believing that President Vladimir Putin was right to recognize the independence of Russian-speaking Donetsk and Luhansk.

“I am sure that if they do a referendum like the one carried out in Crimea, people will vote to annex the territories to Russia.”

“If Ukraine gets into NATO they will be saying to Russia let’s go to war, and that explains why Russia is acting like this. Russia is simply defending itself.” Reuters 2/21/22

To the chagrin of the United States, shortly thereafter, the Nicaraguan government announced that it would be receiving more Russian military personnel, ships and aircraft to support humanitarian aid operations.

Daniel Ortega and Vladimir Putin in Managua in 2014. [Source: actualidad.rt.com]


Not only is Nicaragua a threat of a good example domestically, but also internationally. The FSLN repeatedly demonstrates that policies based on humanitarian principles are more resilient and enduring than ones based on wanton greed, and that globalization pales against the valor of sovereign states.

When all is said and done, Nicaragua unwaveringly stands on the right side of history.

This stems from its incredible domestic achievements since 1979 and because of its attempt to help engender a peaceful and fair multipolar world that is based on cooperation and solidarity instead of competition and exploitation.

*Featured Image: Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega offers the peace sign to his supporters. [Source: britannica.com]

Gloria Guillo is CAM’s corespondent on location in Latin America and a former NYC Urban Planner, Public Administrator, singer, songwriter. She is a co-founding member of Green Renaissance-Sovereign Rights Movement and a contributor to Sanctionskill.org.  Gloria can be reached at 

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