Israeli Strike Kills 29 in School Yard Playing Football

by Dr Marwan Asmar, published on Countercurrents, July 10, 2024

In some ways this story is light weight compared to so many of the atrocities that have taken place in Gaza. The death toll was up to 35 the last I heard, but likely has risen higher since then given the fact that no hospitals are currently functioning in Gaza. I put it forward in the timeworn spirit of “a picture is worth a thousand words.”  [jb]

Israeli air strike killed at least 29 people, while they were playing football in Al Awda School in Abassan town near Khan Younis towards the south of the Gaza Strip, Tuesday. This is the fourth Israeli strike on a school building in four days. These buildings are used by displaced Palestinians as shelters.

Videoclips on the social media show the attack live and which resulted in at least 29 being killed and 53 injured. Most of the dead are women and children.

When you look at the videos, perhaps you will see a game you attended where the neighborhood guys were on a summer afternoon having a match, playing soccer, or basketball, or maybe baseball while their families looked on.  So, as we shall see, there are many (very similar) videos of the event.  [jb]

This is the fourth Israeli strike on a school building in four days. These buildings are used by displaced Palestinians as shelters. The Israeli army wants the Palestinians to keep moving but nobody knows where!

Exclusive footage from the school, obtained by Al Jazeera, shows young Palestinians playing football in the building’s yard as dozens of people watch on. Then, a loud explosion is heard, sending people running for cover.

We were sitting and a missile fell and destroyed everything,” he said, sobbing. “I lost my uncle, my cousins and my relatives,” one Palestinian boy said.

The Israeli attack is trending on the social media with much images and videoclips and its just the last of thousands of massacres committed by the Israeli army in its genocide against Gaza.

The extent of horrors is conveyed by one report that simply says

You are looking at the remains of what was previously a human being!” This is “from the US-Israeli strike on Al-Awda school in Khan Younis.”

“Their body parts are collected from the ground and placed into boxes and buckets.”

One lady said

My father was mutilated, I collected his meat with my hands.”

‘He was holding my grandfathers hand, but everything else was unrecognizable, they completely mutilated him! He was completely mutilated and my grandfather was half mutilated

Earth-shattering testimony of a woman who found her father a pile of meat after being trampled by Israeli tanks,” she said.

European Union’s foreign policy chief condemned the latest deadly Israeli attack. “For how long are innocent civilians going to bear the brunt of this conflict?Josep Borrell said on X.

Condemning the attack as a violation of international law, he said “those responsible must be held accountable.”

It is imperative to immediately reach a cease-fire to bring respite to hundreds of stranded civilians, free all the hostages, deliver the needed humanitarian aid,” he said.

Editor’s note: As the editor, I suppose I should not be overbearing, but I have to say that the final remarks from Mr. Borrell are sadly lacking.   Where is the specific condemnation of those specific individuals who perpetrated this attack?  What conflict?  Why can’t he just say that Israel must be stopped from vicious assaults on defenseless civilians?  Mass murdering, genocidal Israel, Israel, Israel must be stopped.  These are the  responsible parties:  Israel is engaged in a program of slaughtering innocents, and the United States is quietly helping them in every way possible.  [jb]

*Featured Image: Still from video taken by observer at the soccer game at Al Awda school outside Khan Younis just before the Israeli bombs began to fall on them.

Dr Asmar writes from Amman contributing to

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