Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Abulhawa, El-Kurd, Palestine & Ukraine: Zionists Attack Australian Free Speech

by Gideon Polya, published on Countercurrents, February 28, 2023 All of the issues discussed below are in play in the United States as well, and in fact, the U.S. has a leadership role in enabling the Zionist excesses in Palestine.  [jb] The acclaimed Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd were invited to the Adelaide Writers Festival but have encountered[…]

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UNAC Statement on Palestine

UNAC statement on Palestine, January 20, 2023 The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) stands in unconditional solidarity with the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people against the ongoing Nakba: the occupation and ethnic cleansing of historic Palestine by the Israeli regime. We firmly uphold Palestinians’ Right of Return to their national homeland – from the river to the sea –[…]

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The UN General Assembly Drags Israel to the World Court

by Dr. Chandra Muzzafar, published on Global Research, January 5, 2023 The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted last week to refer Israel to the International Court of Justice (World Court) for its on-going violation of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza and for adopting measures aimed at[…]

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The Burden Western Liberals Impose Only on Palestinians

by Joseph Massad, published on Electronic Intifada, November 9, 2022 Since the beginning of Zionist Jewish colonization of their country in the 1880s, Palestinians have faced demands that they carry a double burden: to fight off the Jewish racist colonists while having to defend their colonizers against anti-Jewish European Christian racism. No other colonized people has been forced to carry[…]

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Oslo is Long Dead. Time for a New PLO.

by Kareem Youssef and Mishlin Mekleh, published on Fightback News, November 12, 2022 The Oslo accords were signed 29 years ago, on 13 September 1993. The Palestinian Authority, its main manifestation, has attempted and failed for nearly three decades to contain the Palestinian people’s resistance and struggle for national liberation. Palestine’s enemy today is not only Israel and its US[…]

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No Tech for Apartheid

By Mackenzie Dolan and Dave Welsh, published on Workers World, September 13, 2022 Tech workers held actions in multiple cities Sept. 8, demanding Big Tech drop its Project Nimbus contract with the apartheid police state of Israel. Project Nimbus is a $1.2 billion-dollar contract Amazon and Google have with the Israeli government and military for “cloud computing” that aids in[…]

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Biden in Occupied Palestine and the ‘Jerusalem Declaration’

by Samidoun Prisoner Network, published on Workers World, July 16, 2022 The joint declaration of U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid reveals not only the fundamental bankruptcy of the imperialist and Zionist systems they represent but also underlines the necessity to act and stand now in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their resistance, to liberate[…]

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‘Haaretz’ Prints Denunciations of Zionism No U.S. Paper Would Run

by Philip Weiss, published on Mondoweiss, May 31, 2022 Recent events in Israel have left many American Jews despairing about their community’s adherence to Zionism. The wanton killing of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh… the mobs of Jewish youths crying “Death to Arabs” in Jerusalem… Jewish government officials threatening Palestinians with “another Nakba” and spouting hateful replacement theory about Arabs… And[…]

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Israel Storms Al-Aqsa, Beats Palestinian Worshipers to Make Way for Jewish Settlers

by Yumna Patel, published on Mondoweiss, April 17. 2022 Israeli forces stormed the Al-Aqsa mosque compound on Sunday and attacked Palestinian worshipers at the site in order to facilitate Jewish tours of the site for the Passover holiday. The raids on the compound on Sunday were the second in 48 hours, and featured heavily armed Israeli police officers beating Palestinians[…]

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At London Israel Demo, Calls to “Burn” Palestinian Villages

by Asa Winstanley, published on Electronic Intifada, June 1, 2021 The original article has numerous links and tweets containing videos and other supporting information.  To see them click the link above.   I just want to establish here that this is happening and Asa Winstanley’s bold reporting definitely does that. [jb] Britain’s leading pro-Israel groups have come under fire after their[…]

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