Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Washington Deploys Proxies to Xinjiang to Scuttle China’s Giant Infrastructure Project

by Mike Whitney, pubished on The Unz Review, December 21, 2024 As the U.S. is preparing to send it’s proxy army of ‘jihadi’ mercenaries back into China, it will be interesting to see how China will respond.  Everywhere else, from Serbia and Kosovo, to Chechnya, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, and of course Palestine, the result has been war and chaos. […]

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Dismantling Western Hypocrisy on Xinjiang and Gaza

by Arjae Red, published on Workers World, January 16, 2024 The movement in the U.S. supporting Palestinian national liberation has drawn truly massive numbers of people in action. On Jan. 13, for example, a reported 400,000 people marched on the White House, marking the largest pro-Palestine demonstration in U.S. history. To counter this growing outpouring of support for Palestine in[…]

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China, Political Victim of Hypocritical Olympic Boycott

‘Anglosphere’ seems intent on recreating a cold war by Ken Stone, published as an OpEd in The Hamilton Spectator, December 24, 2021 Read the article and in most areas you can just substitute ‘United States’ for ‘Canada’.  Where you can’t, the inference is that Canada is following and implementing United States policies.  Sad for them.  Sadder for us. [jb] Canada’s[…]

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Have You Been Lied to About Xinjiang, Human Rights − and China?

This Statement was issued by the International Action Center; the report is available in PDF. Claiming that it is acting in defense of human rights, the U.S. tries to cover its own criminal record on internal human rights violations and its record of endless wars, assassinations, coups and devastating sanctions by making charges and targeting other countries. Propaganda fuels U.S.[…]

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Propaganda War Against China Aims to Expand U.S. Hegemony and Eradicate Socialism

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, October 13, 2021 Anti-China propaganda is intended to indoctrinate Americans with fear and hatred and gain support for war against that country and against socialism itself. This is an edited version of remarks given by the author at the Friends of Socialist China’s webinar entitled, Propaganda War Against China, held on October[…]

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New Cold War is Built on Interventionist Humanitarian Lies and Dismissal of War Crimes

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, March 17, 2021 To manufacture consent for its own constant aggressions the US claims its competitors are guilty of even greater crimes – sheer inventions that never happened. “Humanitarian interventionist lies represent the most dangerous form of misinformation currently fueling the U.S.’s New Cold War.” A revolutionary’s first commitment is to the[…]

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The Chinese Uyghur Dark Legend and Washington’s Campaign to Counter Chinese Economic Rivalry

by Stephen Gowans, published on What’s Left, October 25, 2020 Dig below the surface of the allegations that Beijing is abusing its Muslim population, and you won’t find concentration camps and genocide, but a US-led effort to create a Chinese dark legend. The roots of the demonization campaign are to be found in Washington’s desire to counter China’s challenge to[…]

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Behind the U.S. anti-China Campaign

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, December 18, 2018 In order to evaluate the claims of massive human rights violations of the Uyghurs, an ethnic and religious minority in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, it is important to know a few facts. Xinjiang Province in the far western region of China is an arid, mountainous and still[…]

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US-China Trade War Aggravated by Uyghur and Hong Kong Support

by Stephen Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, December 5, 2019 The Uyghur people are an ethnic group of Muslims in western China and they speak the ancient Turkic language, which is the root of the modern Turkish language. Their province is Xinjiang, and their capital city is Urumqi. China is a huge country, and to keep peace and harmony all[…]

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