Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

America Is Reaping What It Sowed in Ukraine

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 31, 2022 So what are Americans to believe about the rising tensions over Ukraine? The United States and Russia both claim their escalations are defensive, responding to threats and escalations by the other side, but the resulting spiral of escalation can only make war more likely. Ukrainian President Zelensky is warning[…]

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U.S. and Their Nazi Puppets in Ukraine Threaten War with Russia

by NOWG, published on Workers Voice, November 25, 2021 Fascist U.S. War Profiteers Are the Real Danger, Not Russia According to Avril Haines, the former head of the CIA and current director of national intelligence, Russia is on the verge of invading Ukraine. This is yet another lie brought to you by the same people who falsely claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass[…]

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