Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Understanding the Connections Between the Congo and Palestine Genocides

by Nylah Iqbal Muhammad, published on Mondoweiss, August 3, 2024 Friends of the Congo Executive Director Maurice Carney and Professor Eman Abdelhadi discuss the intersections between the genocides in the Congo and Palestine. Maurice Carney of Friends of the Congo is an old friend of UNAC, helping to keep us in touch with an African perspective.  To understand this is[…]

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US and UN Treachery in the African Great Lakes Region: Why Rawandan Refugees Don’t Want to Go Home

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, September 8, 2021 The United States and the United Nations are responsible for the ongoing plight of Rwandan refugees. The term “United Nations” in front of the UN’s various humanitarian agencies is deceptive. It implies that they’re funded by the UN’s general budget and therefore are politically neutral. In fact, however, the[…]

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Divide and Rule: Balkanizing the Democratic Republic of Congo

Photo left: Congloese join Rawanda Day protests, 2012; Photo right: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton visits Rwandan President Paul Kagame on Kagame’s farm in Muhazi.“Carnage on such a scale could not have occurred were it not for the connivance of the United States, which has nurtured Kagame at every juncture. … ~September 2010 by Ann Garrison interviews Boniface Musavuli on[…]

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Nikki Haley: Damn the UN Human Rights Council and the Rest of You Too

by Ann Garrison, originally published on Black Agenda Report, June 20, 2018 “More censure of Israel is no doubt in the works, given Israel’s latest massacres in Gaza.” On Tuesday, June 19, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) now meeting in Geneva. The UNHRC is stacked with human rights abusers including[…]

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In Praise of Blood

African dictators Paul Kagame and Laurent Kabila slaughtered and impoverished the people of central Africa on behalf of and assisted by western corporations and western governments. The following has been excerpted from Judi Rever’s compelling new book, In Praise of Blood: The Crimes of the Rawandan Patriotic Front, with permission of the publisher, Random House Canada. Originally published on Black[…]

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