Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Gun Debate, a Narrow Opportunity for the Democrats, a Wide One for The Left

March for Our Lives, Atlanta, GA Democrats want a gun debate on narrow and limited ground avoiding the settler-slavemaster-colonial origin of the 2nd Amendment, and the ubiquity of armed white patriarchal US violence across the planet. Will we let them have it? by Bruce Dixon, originally published on Black Agenda Report Last weekend the March For Our Lives mobilized half[…]

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A Conversation Daniel Patrick Welch

by Danny Haiphong, originally published on Black Agenda Report’s Independent Journalist Corner, March 7, 2018 “Americans—even ‘woke’ ones—don’t know jack about their own history: the violence, the terror on behalf of white supremacy is simply a bottomless pit.” This week I spoke with journalist and political analyst Daniel Patrick Welch (Donal Pádraig Breatnach). He is a writer of political commentary[…]

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Outrage as BART Cops Kill Again

Family of Shaleem Tindle outside BART meeting, Feb. 22. by Terri Kay, originally published on Workers World, Feb 28, 2018 Oakland, Calif. — The family of Shaleem Tindle and other members of the community packed a board meeting of the Bay Area Rapid Transit on Feb. 22. They went to show their outrage after seeing a newly released body-camera video[…]

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Why the Shooting Will Continue

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published on Black Agenda Report Shooting White People Apparently there is nothing worse in America than the act of shooting white people. Ever since the latest attack at a Florida high school there has been talk of little else. The school shooting enveloped every other issue and was used to vilify Russia, the FBI, Bernie Sanders[…]

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Deirdre Griswold Defends Korea Against Tucker Carlson (Updated With Analysis)

U.S. Anti-War Leader Deirdre Griswold Defends Korea Against Right-Wing Racist Tucker Carlson The opening of relations between North and South Korea at this year’s Olympics provides have provided a hopeful contrast to Vice President Pence’s cold snub towards North Korean officials at the opening ceremonies for the event and raised the issue of ‘Who are the Koreans after all?‘ Deirdre[…]

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Looking Down That Deep Hole (Part 2)

This week we take a longer look down the deep hole that is the most popular flavor of intersectionality. Looking Down That Deep Hole: Parisitic Intersectionality and Afro-Pessimism By Bruce Dixon, originally published on Black Agenda Report,  Feb 1, 2018 When I took a swipe at intersectionality last week, declaring that it was a hole, that afro-pessimism was a shovel[…]

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Conference on U.S. Military Bases Discusses Spring Antiwar Actions

By Marilyn Levin, Jan 27, 2018 Attended by 200 people (space limited attendance) and viewed by thousands via live streaming, the historic Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases, Jan. 12-14, 2018, in Baltimore, brought together broad participation from the peace/antiwar U.S. left along with leaders fighting U.S./NATO aggression from around the world. Initiated by the U.S. Peace Council, a significant[…]

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The Opioid Epidemic in America – Killing One Million Workers: The Triumph of Capital

A uniquely relevant research piece on the current opiod crisis from Global Research. Introduction The link between capitalism and drugs reaches back to the middle of the 19th century, when the British Empire forced their surplus opium crop from their South Asian colonies into the Chinese market creating massive demand from millions of addicts. The Chinese government, which had banned[…]

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