Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Why is the Nicaraguan Government Demonized by both Liberals and Conservatives When Nicaragua Has Seen Great Progress Under the Sandinistas?

by Stansfield Smith, published on Covert Action Magazine, March 28, 2022 Women Have Made Particularly Significant Gains Under the Second Sandinista Government Since 2006 Women, particularly those in the Third World, often find themselves with limited ability to participate in community organizations and political life because of the poverty and their traditional sex role imposes on them. On them falls[…]

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Teacher Strikes: New Beginning for Labor?

By Jeff Mackler, originally posted on Socialist Action North Carolina teachers capped off two months of unprecedented national teacher militancy as they rallied 20,000 strong at the state capitol on May 16. During their one-day “sick leave” strike, the teachers closed down 40 local school districts with one million students. As with the previous five statewide teacher strikes in 2018,[…]

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