Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Taiwan and the Making of an Asian NATO

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, July 6, 2022 These are amended remarks given by the author at an event held by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute titled “NATO and Global Empire.” The event can be watched in full here . This year’s NATO Summit took place amid a geopolitical seismic wave crashing upon Eurasia: Russia’s special military[…]

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The MADness of the Resurgent U.S. Cold War With Russia

by Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 28, 2022 The war in Ukraine has placed U.S. and NATO policy toward Russia under a spotlight, highlighting how the United States and its allies have expanded NATO right up to Russia’s borders, backed a coup and now a proxy war in Ukraine, imposed waves of economic sanctions, and launched a debilitating trillion-dollar arms[…]

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How the U.S. Started a Cold War with Russia and Left Ukraine to Fight It

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 28, 2022 The defenders of Ukraine are bravely resisting Russian aggression, shaming the rest of the world and the UN Security Council for its failure to protect them. It is an encouraging sign that the Russians and Ukrainians are holding talks in Belarus that may lead to a ceasefire. All efforts[…]

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On U.S. “Adversaries”

by Gary Leupp, published on CounterPunch, January 20, 2021 The United States more or less officially regards a handful of countries as “adversaries”: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela. There is not an official list approved by Congress, but the term is applied by politicians and journalists routinely to these countries. The reasons for their enmity are rarely[…]

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