Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murder of Unarmed Palestinians

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murder of Unarmed Palestinians by Israeli Security Forces APRIL 2, 2018—A reported 17,000 Palestinians peacefully marched in Gaza on March 30 as they made their historic demand for a right to return to their ancestral lands when they were met by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) snipers who opened fire, killing 17 people and wounding[…]

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The Sentencing of Ahed, Nariman and Nour Tamimi: The Struggle Continues!

“There is no justice under the occupation and this court is illegal.”   – Ahed Tamimi, 21 March 2018 from Samidoun Palestinian teen activist Ahed Tamimi, 17, was sentenced by an Israeli military court on Tuesday, 21 March to eight months in Israeli prison. The sentencing came after a plea bargain was reached in the case and confirmed by the military court; the[…]

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A Tale of Three Apartheids and the Land Conundrums

by Kweli Nzito, originally published on Black Agenda Report, March 21, 2018 “White settlers were convinced that the lands they appropriated in the ‘dark continent’ and other lands were theirs by right.” The word apartheid achieved global notoriety during the height of White rule in South Africa. It then extended at least to one other country where blatant state-sanctioned bigotry[…]

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Double Standard in Israel-Palestine Reporting

Associated Press is one of those news sources we expect to be objective and reliable. But when it comes to the subject of Israel-Palestine, things are not always as they seem. by Kathryn Shihadah and Alison Weir, originally published on If Americans Knew Blog More than half the world’s population reads Associated Press content every day. But a study of news reports[…]

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Palestine Leadership Suspends Recognition of Israel

by Wayne DeLucca, originally published on Socialist Action The Palestine Liberation Organization’s central council voted on Jan. 15 to “suspend recognition of Israel until it recognizes the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders and revokes the decision to annex East Jerusalem and expand and build settlements.” This is an important move that would also reverse the Palestinian leadership’s adherence[…]

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POWIR In Solidarity with Ahed Tamimi

“My daughter is just 16 years old. In another world, in your world, her life would look completely different. In our world, Ahed is a representative of a new generation of our people, of young freedom fighters. This generation has to wage its struggle on two fronts. On the one hand, they have the duty, of course, to keep on[…]

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Zambia Must Clarify Whether it Will Host Israel-Africa Summit

“Israel since 1948 has collaborated with the same white supremacist forces which conquered, exploited and oppressed African people and their descendants throughout the world.” Several news articles were published in early December indicating that Zambian President Edgar Lungu has agreed to host a summit meeting between African Union (AU) member-states and the State of Israel. (See Jerusalem Post, Dec. 3,[…]

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Israeli demolition of entire Palestinian villages continues with no end in sight

Republished from If Americans Only Knew Stories keep pouring in of Israel demolishing Palestinian villages; many of the buildings destroyed were donated by EU organizations; schools have been razed; residents are often required to pay tens of thousands of dollars for the destruction of their own homes; nearly 160,000 Bedouins live in “unrecognized” villages built before 1948 that Israel has[…]

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