Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Deal that Lurks Behind the Calm

A family warms themselves on a fire outside their makeshift home during a power cut in Khan Younis, southern Gaza. Khalil Hamra | AP  US, Israel Seek to Exploit Palestinian Divisions and Create More of Them by Hisham H. Ahmed, Ph.D, originally published on MintPress News, September 12, 2018 OCCUPIED PALESTINE — (Analysis) This article is not written to support[…]

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On the Brink with Russia in Syria Again, 5 Years Later

White Helmet activists in Khan Sheikhoun made a video of themselves collecting evidence at the site of the execution of the supposed sarin gas attack.  It is notable that they are not wearing adequate protective gear. By Ray McGovern, originally published on Consortium News, September 12, 2018 he New York Times, on September 11, 2013, accommodated Russian President Vladimir V.[…]

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Trump Protects Al Qaeda, “The Resistance” Applauds, Cursing “Russians”

The “Russians” had to be reinstalled as the “enemy” after Obama made his alliance with Islamist jihad. Trump has now signed on as Protector of the Idlib Caliphate. by Glen Ford, originally published on Black Agenda Report, September 6, 2018 “The so-called ‘resistance is the world’s phoniest ‘left.’” The Trump administration, just like the Obama regime, is willing to start[…]

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British Collusion and Criminality

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published in her Freedom Rider column on Black Agenda Report, July 11, 2018 “Collusion continues not between Trump and Russians, but between intelligence agencies, the media and American politicians with hidden agendas.” Most people believe that Donald Trump owes his presidency to Russian activity because they have been told this repeatedly for the past two years.[…]

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On July Fourth, American Exceptionalism and Ruling Class Fear of Trump

“With each passing day under Trump, the mythology of US exceptionalism becomes more fragile.” By Danny Haiphong, originally published on Black Agenda Report, July 11, 2018 The ascendency of Donald Trump to the commanding heights of US imperialism has been a chaotic experience for the ruling class. Trump’s lives in the trash-heap of the ruling class and has been deemed[…]

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Working People Have No Stakes In a Trade War

President Donald Trump, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde, and Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel at the G7 summit in Québec, on June 9.  (Photo: Yves Herman / Reuters) A joint statement by Socialist Action (U.S.) and Socialist Action/Ligue pour l’action socialiste in the Canadian state. The recent imposition of a 25% tariff on steel imports to the United States and[…]

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First Thoughts On The Kim Trump Photo-Op Summit

by Bernhard, originally published on Moon Of Alabama, June 12, 2018 The photo-op summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea went well. The visuals show North Korea and the United States as equal partners. The atmosphere was cordial. Both sides won. The signed document is short. The core part: Convinced[…]

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