Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

US Should Lift Economic Sanctions to Avoid More Deaths From Pandemic

by  Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), published on TeleSUR English, March 18, 2020 The U.S. government should immediately lift economic sanctions against Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, and other countries to avoid unnecessary deaths and more extensive propagation of the pandemic, said economist Jeffrey Sachs, professor, and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. While sanctions already[…]

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Media Struggle to Defend Washington’s Cruelty Toward Venezuela and Iran as Coronavirus Spreads

by Joe Emersberger, published on FAIR, March 25, 2020 An Associated Press article (New York Times, 3/17/20) headlined “IMF Rejects Maduro’s Bid for Emergency Loan to Fight Virus” declared: The request is an about-face for Maduro, who for years refused to share economic data with the Washington-based lender and just last month condemned it as a tool of US imperialism.[…]

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Sick Palestinian Laborer Dropped of Near Checkpoint by Israeli Police

by Suha Arraf, published by +92 Magazine, March 24, 2020 What happens to Palestinian laborers in Israel who are suspected of contracting the novel coronavirus? Based on two recent stories, it appears the Israeli authorities are simply dropping off sick Palestinian workers at a checkpoint in the occupied West Bank without any concern for their health and safety. Palestinian social[…]

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The Cost of This Pandemic Must Not Bankrupt the People

by Vijay Prashad and Manuel Bertoldi, published by Independent Media Institute, March 23, 2020 The global pandemic of COVID-19 has spread to almost every country on the planet earth. The virus will take many lives, disrupt communities and institutions, and leave behind trauma and a devastated world economy. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimates that by the end[…]

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Boston School Bus Drivers Win Emergency Full Pay During School Closure

by Steve Gillis, published on Workers World, March 23, 2020 On March 16, elected officers of United Steelworkers Local 8751, the Boston School Bus Drivers Union, conducted mass meetings in the bus yards over loudspeakers with hundreds of drivers, monitors, dispatchers and support staff. They presented a multipart agreement reached with Transdev — a division of the Paris-based transnational conglomerate[…]

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Colonial Domination and Racism Against Indigenous People in Canada

“I just hope it doesn’t happen to anybody else.” Indigenous Grandfather and Granddaughter handcuffed by Vancouver Police while trying to open a bank account in Vancouver. By Tamara Hansen, published on Fire This Time Newsletter, Volume 14, Issue 2, February, 2020 On December 20, 2019, Maxwell Johnson of the Heiltsuk First Nation and his 12-year-old granddaughter, Tori-Anne, entered a Bank[…]

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Anti-Asian Racism Accelerates

by Minnie Bruce Pratt, published on Workers World, March 22, 2020 As the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic accelerates in the U.S. — amid appeals for the population to “work together” — hateful anti-Chinese and anti-Asian racism is being incited at the highest level of government. In a March 8 press conference, President Donald Trump claimed his repeated use of “Chinese virus”[…]

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The Decade of Transformation is Here: Remaking Healthcare

by Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, published on Popular Resistance, March 22,  2020 We’ve been writing for a while that the 2020’s would be a decade when multiple crises would come to a head and we would have an opportunity for major transformations if we were organized to mobilize and demand them. The current coronavirus pandemic, economic collapse, and falling[…]

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