Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Merkel Admits that Minsk Peace Agreements Were Part of Scheme for Ukraine to Buy Time to Prepare for War with Russia

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on Covert Action, December 19, 2022 War was inevitable outcome of 2014 U.S.-backed coup in Ukraine Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in an interview with Die Zeit, published on December 7, that “the 2014 Minsk agreement was an attempt to give time to Ukraine. It…used this time to become stronger as can be seen today. The Ukraine[…]

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How Aligned Is the Atlantic Alliance?

by Ted Snider, published on, December 7, 2022 The Ukraine war has caused some cracks in NATO.  Maybe we’ll get lucky and it will break.  [jb] The war in Ukraine is stretching the NATO alliance. The pull is still gentle and the cracks still small. But the potentially endless duration of the war, the economic suffering it has caused[…]

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Washington’s New Iron Curtain in Europe

by Diana Johnstone, published on Peace and Planet News, Fall 2022        (originally published, June 2014) This is interesting.   Notice that everything that is happening now was foreseen at it’s inception.   There was actually a meeting where the gauntlet was thrown down.  [jb] NATO leaders are currently acting out a deliberate charade in Europe, designed to reconstruct an Iron[…]

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Ukraine as Weapons Testing Site

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on Consortium News, A surprisingly frank article in The New York Times, “Western Allies Look to Ukraine as a Testing Ground for Weapons” describes how the imperial war machine is capitalising on the U.S. proxy war to test its weapons for future use. “Ukraine has become a testing ground for state-of-the-art weapons and information systems, and[…]

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Italians Protest Against Arms Shipment to Ukraine

from TeleSUR English, November 7, 2022 Protesters held banners, placards, and rainbow flags, demanding diplomatic efforts to solve the crisis in Ukraine. Tens of thousands of Italians gathered in Rome yesterday to protest against PM Giorgia Meloni’s decision to send weapons to Ukraine. Italians are fed up with Italian Prime Ministers kowtowing to Brussels and NATO. Take a look:[…]

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Congressional Amendment Opens Floodgates for War Profiteers and a Major Ground War on Russia

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 13, 2022 If the powerful leaders of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senators Jack Reed (D) and Jim Inhofe (R), have their way, Congress will soon invoke wartime emergency powers to build up even greater stockpiles of Pentagon weapons. The amendment is supposedly designed to facilitate replenishing the weapons the United[…]

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US’ Speedy Transfer of Nukes to Europe Gets World Closer to Catastrophe

by Uriel Araujo, published on InfoBRICS, November 4, 2022 POLITICO reports that, according to a US diplomatic cable, the sending of upgraded B61-12 air-dropped thermonuclear gravity bombs to Europe, formerly scheduled for next spring, is now planned for this December. American officials told this to their NATO allies in a closed-door meeting in Brussels last month. The new version is[…]

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Who’s Afraid of US Troops in Ukraine?

by M.K. Bhadrakumar, published on Indian Punchline, November 2, 2022 Very innocuously, the Biden Administration has ‘sensitised’ the world opinion that American troops are indeed present on Ukrainian soil in Russia’s immediate neighbourhood. Washington made a “soft landing” with an unnamed senior Pentagon official making the disclosure to the Associated Press and the Washington Post. The official gave an ingenious[…]

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Strong Message on Ukraine From a Blog Reader

by David O., published on Bruce Gagnon’s Organizing Notes, October 30, 2022 Just want to relay how much I appreciate and rely on reading “Organizing Notes.” Especially enjoyed your thoughts in the post, October 16, 2022, entitled: Seasons Change and So Did I. Your call for clear-headed analysis and incisive expression in this crucial moment we find ourselves in —[…]

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