Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Third International Trade Union Forum:Comments by Ajamu Baraka

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, September 11, 2019 There can be no workers’ rights without peace and social justice. “War and militarism are class issues.” Black Alliance for Peace national organizer and Black Agenda Report editor Ajamu Baraka delivered the following remarks to the International Trade Union Forum in Solidarity with Workers and People to Break the[…]

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National Geographic Film About Syria Exposed as Political Propaganda

Steven Sahiounie, Published on Middle East observer, August 19, 2019 It has been six years since Manar Nakour’s brother died August 17, 2013, in Marmarita, Syria.  The hurt, loss, and shock came flooding back when he saw the National Geographic Documentary Films’ Hell on Earth: The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS, by Academy Award-nominated filmmaker and best-selling[…]

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Criminal War Propaganda Directed against Iraq and Syria

by Mark Taliano, published on Global Research, August 19, 2019 When we play their game, we will always lose, and they will always win. “They” are the largely unelected “Permanent State”, sometimes called the “Deep State”. “They” are the publicly bailed-out transnational, corporate monopolies and their political fronts that destroy domestic and foreign economies with their supranational “trade” agreements, their[…]

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Another Perspective on Middle East Peace

by Pepe Escobar,  published on Information Clearing House, August 6, 2019 Russia is meticulously advancing Eurasian chessboard moves that should be observed in conjunction, as Moscow proposes to the Global South an approach diametrically opposed to Western sanctions, threats and economic war. Here are three recent examples. Ten days ago, via a document officially approved by the United Nations, the[…]

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Syria Forming a New Constitutional Draft Committee

Steven Sahiounie,  Published on the Middle East Observer,  August 5, 2019 UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen said, “I’m very pleased that now we seem to be closer to establishing the constitutional committee,” Syria’s post-war government and new constitution are seen as crucial components of the Syrian peace process which could see the end of the 8-year conflict. A 150-member committee made up[…]

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The War Whisperers, Their Successful Iraq War, and the Targeting of Iran

by Sanam Naraghi Anderlini, published on LobeLog, July 15, 2019 As Iran and the United States edge closer to war, while Europe scrambles to reduce tensions, the chorus of U.S. foreign policy and military experts and journalists criticizing the Trump administration’s tactics is also reaching a crescendo. Despite deep political divisions, on this issue there is broad agreement across the[…]

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U.S. Takes Aim at Iran, Threatens Military Action

by Nick Baker, published on Socialist Action, July 9, 2019 As U.S. imperialism ceaselessly spreads its tentacles around the globe, its latest victim, yet again, is Iran, the strategically located oil-rich Middle Eastern nation that has resisted U.S. and British colonial domination for over a century. Since its 1979 Revolution that ousted the murderous dictatorship of Shah (meaning “King”) Reza[…]

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Freedom Rider: Iran and Endless War

by Margaret Kimberley, Published on Black Agenda Report, June 19, 2019 Americans are, indeed, exceptional – the most gullible public in the world, always ready to believe their leaders’ lies. “The increasing closeness between China, Russia and their central Asian partners is a reaction to U.S. threats and aggressions.” The latest in the saga of the desperate empire is the[…]

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MSM Mourns Death Of CIA-Backed Syrian Al-Qaeda/ISIS Ally

By Caitlin Johnstone, Published on SouthFront,  Originally appeared at Caitlin’s blog On Wednesday the alternative media outlet Southfront published an article titled “New Video Throws Light On Jaysh Al-Izza High-Tolerance To Al-Qaeda Ideology” about newly discovered footage showing the leader of a “rebel” faction in Syria cozying up with a militant who was wearing a badge of the official flag of ISIS. “The[…]

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US Greenlights Missiles for Al Qaeda-linked Jihadists Occupying Syria’s Idlib

by Ben Norton, Published on the Grayzone, May 31, 2019 While the US corporate media continues propagating the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump is a secret Kremlin asset, the Trump administration has approved heavy weapons for al-Qaeda-allied, Turkey-backed militants to fight against a Russian-backed offensive in Syria. The Syrian army has relaunched a campaign to retake the northwestern province of[…]

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