Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

International Delegation Visits Douma Day Before Syrian Elections

by Staff, published on Fightback News, May 26, 2021 Douma, Syria – On Tuesday, May 25, one day before the Syrian election, an international delegation, which includes a number of observers from the U.S., visited the war-torn cities of Douma and Jobar just outside Damascus. The observers viewed tunnel networks used by terrorists during the six-year occupation of the city[…]

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Eyewitness report: Syrians Celebrate Election Outcome

by Kobi Guillory, published on Fightback News, May 28, 2021 Damascus, Syria – On Wednesday, May 26, election day in Syria, crowds flocked to polling places to cast their votes. A delegation of observers from the U.S., South Africa, France and Palestine visited polling locations east of Damascus in the war-torn Ghouta region to witness the voting and celebrations taking[…]

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“The Most Unkindest Cut of All” A Rejoinder to “Syria and the ‘Anti-Imperialism’ of Fools”

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, May 14, 2021 A nice research piece that soundly rebuts an outrageous attack from the faux left on UNAC and other anti-imperialist antiwar organizations and press outlets. [jb] “Erasing people through disinformation: Syria and the ‘anti-imperialism’ of fools” is the title of a pitiful and tragically flawed signed statement that appeared on the[…]

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The Imperialist War in Yemen

by Yanis Iqbal, published on Countercurrents, April 24, 2021 Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the basics underlying a situation as they get lost in the ongoing reporting. [JB] During a House hearing held on April 21, 2021, US Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking grossly misrepresented the imperialist war in the country. He remarked: “With regard to the[…]

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How Syria Divided Palestine Solidarity

Nora Barrows-Friedman and Asa Winstanley interview Rania Khalek for Electronic Intifada Podcast, April 23,2021 This is a very important topic that people are more likely to argue about than discuss, although the hard line has somewhat softened recently.   It is especially important because the propaganda and lies are once again being ramped up in the press. Rania Khalek, an Arab[…]

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EU-UN Conference Raises Donations to Maintain Syrian Stalemate

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, April 2, 2021 The European Union has co-chaired with the United Nations a conference on ‘Supporting the Future of Syria and of the Region‘, March 29-30.  This is the fifth EU donor conference on Syria claiming to pursue a peaceful and sustainable future for all Syrians. However, the actual focus is not on[…]

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Yemen Can’t Wait!

by Azza Rojbi, published on Medium, March 29, 2021 February 15, 2021, marks one year since the Saudi-led coalition’s horrific air raid on a residential area in Yemen’s northern province of al-Jawf. The bombing killed 35 people, including 25 children, and 18 children were amongst the 23 injured. According to the Yemen Data Project, “During 2020, air raids in #Yemen[…]

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Biden bombs Iraq and Syria, continues 30-year war to control world’s oil

by Bill Dores, published on Struggle for Socialism, March 17, 2021 It was called the highway of death. On Feb. 26, 1991, U.S. military jets and helicopters rained napalm, cluster bombs and 30mm shells on convoys of Iraqi soldiers and civilian refugees leaving Kuwait. At least a thousand people were burned alive or shot to death while fleeing. U.S. pilots[…]

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SSM: Remarks on the 10th Anniversary of the Syrian War

Expanded Statement by Ken Stone on behalf of Syria Solidarity Movement, March 12, 2021 The February 25th, 2021, US bombing of Syria signaled the new US regime’s intention to continue its war of attrition on Syria. It is merely the latest stage of a hybrid war that began when the Arab Nationalist Movement came to power in 1963.  Since 2011, Washington[…]

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