Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

US Pressure on Germany Growing

by Lucas Leiroz, published on InfoBRICS, January 26, 2022 Washington continues to advance the idea of ​​establishing a new plan of severe sanctions against Russia over the Ukrainian crisis. Recently, US officials presented a draft of anti-Russian sanctions during a trip to Berlin. Considering the seriousness of the measures and the clear objective of suffocating Russia economically, the plan can[…]

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Swedish Society Polarized Over Joining NATO

by Lucas Leiroz, published on BRICS Information Portal, January 21, 2022 This is a kind of scary follow on to Bruce’s piece below. Apparently Western (U.S.) propaganda is succeeding in Sweden.  [jb] Western anti-Russian propaganda is having effects. In Swedish society, fear is spreading about the “risks” of a Russian invasion. As a result, the possibility of the Scandinavian country[…]

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U.S.-led ‘African Lion 21’ hunts for new prey

by Manlio Dinucci, published on International Action Center, June 11, 2021 Published June 8 in Il Manifesto; translation by John Catalinotto. The African Lion, the largest military exercise on the African Continent planned and led by the U.S. Army, began June 7. The exercise includes land, air and naval maneuvers in Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal and adjacent seas — from North[…]

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