Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Nicaraguans Celebrate 44th Anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution

Under Stewardship of Original Revolutionary Leader Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua Remains a Beacon for Social Progress Despite Crushing U.S. Sanctions by Lauren Smith, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 19, 2023 In the United States, the word “socialism” has come to have a negative meaning. In that meaning, the word implies the loss of individual sovereignty, rejection of religion and the institution[…]

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Top Marine General In Japan Bluntly Describes US Is “Setting The Theatre” For Future War With China

by Tyler Durden, published on Zero Hedge, January 10, 2023 U.S. facilitating militarization of Japan.  Reckless talk by high level U.S. General.  What choice do they leave the Chinese?  [jb] The top Marine Corps General for Japan this week issued some very revealing statements in an interview focused on countering China in the Financial Times. Despite Chinese leadership insisting that[…]

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by Caitlin Johnstone, published on Consortium News, January 8, 2023 In an interview with the Useful Idiots podcast not too long ago, Noam Chomsky repeated his argument that the only reason we hear the word “unprovoked” every time anyone mentions Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the mainstream news media is because it absolutely was provoked, and they know it. “Right now, if you’re[…]

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Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Signifies the End of an Era of Unipolar American Power

by Daniel Kovalik, published on Covert Action Magazine, March 24, 2022 Russia had drawn a line in the sand and, once violated, defied Washington by acting to defend its interests. A lot of countries support Russia, and Washington is powerless to stop it. If you are like me, you have been glued to the news about the Russian military operation[…]

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Imperialist Victim Afghanistan After the Spotlight Has Passed

Statement from Black Alliance for Peace, March 24, 2022 Afghanistan has joined the ever growing ranks of countries forcibly thrown into desperate humanitarian crises following U.S./NATO wars now relegated to the sidelines as the latest crisis instigated by the West’s imperial aggression takes the spotlight. The blatant imperial theft of Afghan wealth, like what occurred with Iraq, Libya, and others[…]

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Shock and Awe, Then and Now

by Dee Knight, published on Covert Action Magazine, March 16, 2022 “Shock and awe” was George Bush senior’s name for his “Desert Storm” attack on Iraq in 1990 – 91. A United Nations report described the effect on Iraq as “near apocalyptic,” sending Iraq back to the “pre-industrial age.” But it wasn’t enough. After a decade of sanctions against Iraq,[…]

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Ukraine: The Tip of the Spear for the Imperialist Project

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Towards Freedom, February 14, 2022 We have serious concerns that the accelerated drive to militarization and war by the United States and its allies dramatically unfolding with the crisis in Ukraine might very easily escalate to the point that it could threaten global humanity. In their mad drive to advance their geostrategic interests to the[…]

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‘Death Sentence for Untold Numbers of Civilians’: Biden to Permanently Seize Afghan Assets

by John Queally, published on CommonDreams, February 11, 2022 Humanitarians—including those who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks of 2001—responded with condemnation Friday after it was reported that President Joe Biden has decided to permanently seize $7 billion of currently frozen Afghan assets even as the people of the war-torn and poverty-stricken nation suffer a broken economy, a collapsed[…]

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